Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nunkey Girl

I haven't put anything on here is a while, so I will just catch up little by little.

Today the nunkey was in a strange mood and decided jumping off the couch making faces was quite enjoyable. :D

My favorite. :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

10,000 Reasons

"Bless the Lord
Oh, my soul. Oh, my soul.
Worship His holy name.
Sing like never before.
Oh, my soul.
I worship Your holy name."

         This song means so much to me. Many, many memories are connected with the song and the words are so uplifting and powerful. My most recent memory that goes along with the song is one of my favorites (next to Worldview, so it rates pretty high :D)
         It started out as a different Sunday than usual, but little did we know how different it was truly going to be. Kiwi had spent the night and we were also signing together in church for offertory. Any guesses on which song? We were both thankful that there was a breakfast that morning so that we would have time to practice before people started to filter into the sanctuary for church service. 
          Before we ate breakfast, we ran upstairs to practice and make sure the sound system was working correctly. That turned out to be the least of our problems. We had the wrong version of the song on that specific iPod and the iPod we needed was entirely out of battery. Our first thought was to run downstairs and see if anyone had the right charger for the iPod that we knew had the correct version of the song, but it turned out no one had it with them, so we moved on to plan two. At this point there were four of us running around together trying to get this to work. We were able to get onto the pastor's computer, but then we realized that it really was not doing any good because we could not plug the iPod in or download the song from the computer. Plan three. McDonald's was right down the street, we just had to get there so we could use the wi-fi connection and purchase the song. Time was running out, and my dad was no where to be found, so a friend drove us to McDonald's. 
           If anyone ever wondered, the wi-fi at McDonald's is really slow. This was not the time that we wanted to find this out. At this point we had about half an hour before church started, and our friend who drove us was running sound system, so he had to be there in fifteen minutes. Of course this added absolutely no stress at all. :) Eventually, we were able to buy the right version of the song and rushed back to the church to practice. Everything went smoothly and we were relaxing. 
           Right before church started one of our friends said to us, "Now the song has a lot of meaning maybe it didn't have before." And, boy, was she right. Just that morning we had at least a hundred more reasons to bless the Lord. The performance went great, and we were both meaning every word that we signed. 
           The Lord took care of everything and we are so thankful that He did. :)

P.S. For all of the lyrics to the song click here. You can also listen to the song.)