Monday, April 7, 2014

FrozenFest 2014

When the Disney movie "Frozen" first came out, my little group of friends decided we would all go see it together once it went into the dollar theater, but as it is still in our main theater, we thought of a new plan. Of course by now all of us have already seen "Frozen" at least once, but we still wanted to watch it together! Out plans became FrozenFest. 

After church, Mrs. White, Rebekah, Katherine, Anna, Mary Ann, Julia, and Sharyssa all came over to my house and we watched "Frozen", only singing along to "Let it Go", and ate pizza and garlic bread. :D About half way through the movie we made ice cream sundaes and then finished the movie. 

Once the movie was over, we talked a little bit about the worldview of "Frozen" and what we thought was good and bad about the movie. Then all of us girls went for a two mile walk down the bike path, barefoot of course, and enjoyed ourselves immensely!! 

When we got back, we enjoyed talking to each other and just having fun! After a while, Mrs. Greene came and we all had pie and special cookies, and more ice cream. :D 

Everyone had a ton of fun (at least I hope they did!) and I cannot wait until we are able to do it again!

Our group of giggle girls!

Silly picture!!!

How to fit four teenage girls on a couch meant for two!
An additional way to fit four girls on one couch. This is how we
sat for quite a while!!

Reading time!