Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy birthday Rebekah!!!

Today is someone's birthday, birthday, birthday.
Today is someone's birthday, I wonder whose it is?


I am truly blessed to be one of your friends and get to see you all of the time. You are an amazing and beautiful young lady and I cannot wait for the upcoming years of being your friend.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Dance Recital

The anticipation, hard work, and blisters finally paid off!! Dance recital at Rialto was amazing. A week and a half of tech week. More blisters than I could imagine, even on the bottom of my feet. Soreness that is inexpressible. Long nights at the studio. Hours and hours of rehearsal. All of this for one night and four dances on one giant, beautiful stage. And it was totally worth it!
"America" opened the show. It was my ballet routine. I loved it so much, except for the end with the flags. That was really, really hard to learn and hurt a lot. Our costumes were beautiful blue and red tu-tu's (depending on our class) with silver sparkles.
"Pride and Prejudice" was my second dance. This was pointe. My favorite dance of the night was this one. I was most nervous for pointe because there is a lot more a person can mess up when dancing on pointe shoes, but it went well, according to everyone else. I thought I messed up a lot, but it didn't show, for that I am thankful. Our costumes for pointe were orange, pink, or blue depending on our level. Mine was orange. It had gold and brown mixed in and a sheer sparkly overlay over our leotards. It looked gorgeous on stage!
"These Boots are made for Walkin'" was my third dance and my least favorite. Tap has never really been my favorite style of dance, but I do enjoy it every once in a while. Our costumes were pink sparkly plaid tank tops, with frilly, almost flapper-style. shorts. I didn't love the costume, but it was better than I thought it was going to be. ;)
My last dance was the finale. We danced to the Kidz Bop version of "Uptown Funk." I loved it!!! Even though I hate jazz with a passion, it was so much fun to learn and to perform with all of my friends. Most of us were not taking the dance too seriously and were laughing at ourselves and each other throughout the whole routine. This made it amazing.

Now for the fun part. Pictures!!!!

Me and my daddy after recital.

Nothing like full stage make-up!!!

My "America" costume.
Photo credit to Capture
the Canvas Photography.

All my amazing friends who came to see the show!

"Pride and Prejudice" costume.
Photo credit to Capture the Canvas
Me and my beautiful Auntie Em., who flew out just for recital! :D

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Visit with Grandma

My grandma on my dad's side came into town to visit and come to my graduation and dance recital. It was really, really nice having her here and being able to spend so much time with her.
Eating at Cracker Barrel, her favorite

Getting a pedicure for the fist time. ;D

Just hanging out. 


High school is now a thing of the past. YIPEE!!!! 
Being homeschooled, I had the choice of what to do for my graduation. I could do a classic graduation ceremony with the cap and gown, or I could just throw a huge party. I chose the latter. :D
I invited a whole bunch of my friends and family and we all met at a park and had food. Four of my very dear friends shared stories and advice, which I truly enjoyed. We had tacos and played games and overall just enjoyed fellowshiping with each other.