Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Be the Change

I've heard it said over and over "Be the change you want to see in the world." But that inspires the question, "What is the change I want to see?"

While at Semester, a dear friend asked me this question, but not in those exact words. She asked me, "What breaks your heart?" It is basically the same question. It at least will get you to the same destination. I didn't know how to answer when she first asked me, and I asked her if I could think about it so I could give an honest answer. I answered her, but haven't actually stopped thinking about the question.

What breaks my heart? What is the change that I can make in the world? What can I do with my life in order to help "make the world a better place"?

God gives each of us passions. Things that we care about to the point it literally hurts. These are the things that break our hearts and inspire us to act. They are the things we live for every day, whether we know it or not. It is the things we want to do and find a deep satisfaction in doing, even if it is hard or doesn't seem worth it to the rest of the world. It's not just sadness, but motivation.

Sounds simple, right? Find what is pressing on your heart and act. Not too hard at all. Except....what happens when there's more than one thing? Or the issues you want to fix aren't connected in any way? Yes, poverty is terrible. Abortion is horrific. Schools are falling apart. Kids are left without homes or families. People don't know the Gospel of Jesus. Christians are being killed for what they believe. The list can go on and on forever. No one can fix all of it, except Jesus coming back. That's the toll sin paid on this world. All of these things hurt in the deepest part of my heart.

No, I'm not supergirl. I can't make abortion, poverty, or slavery go away in my lifetime. I can't fix all of Americas schools or adopt every child who needs a home. But I don't have to. Every person has something that presses a little harder. Something they want to do more than anything. Maybe I'll make a small difference in all of those areas. That would be nice, but those aren't what I believe I'm called to do.

My passion is for people to hear God's truth and to see lives changed by the news of His salvation. I want to reach out to people who don't have a way to see this for themselves. People without written languages who don't have the amazing privilege to read the Bible for themselves. I can pick up one of my many Bibles whenever I want, but there are people who don't even know what a Bible is. I want to give them a language to read for themselves. By the end of the school year, I will have read the New Testament entirely through twice in 6 months. That's a lot! But as I read through it for the second time, I'm realizing how much truth and joy it contains and how desperate people are to have it and don't even know it. This is what breaks my heart. This is the change I want to see. I want to see a change in people's lives and hearts being turned to God. I want to see families and communities being changed for God's glory. Yes, it is a big job. But I'm willing to let God use me in whatever way He needs in order to see that happen.

In short, I don't want to change the world. I want to watch God change the world. "Be the change you want to see in the world." Welp. I can't be God. I don't want to be God. But I am called to be like Him. I am called to be His hands and feet in this world, along with all of the other people He calls His own.

Praise God
From whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him
All creatures here below.
Praise Him
Above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Friday, April 6, 2018

Some pictures...

I know! Another blog post in a week! It's incredible! I am actually getting on top of school and able to have my weekends free, which means I can use this blog a little more. :)

It has been a while since I have posted any pictures on here, so here are some from my life recently....

Park with Eddie Bear

My Sunday School kiddos singing for Easter

Lunch and shopping date with my twin <3

Many, many video calls with Bella

The Flash is a raccoon, didn't you know?

Finley and Eddie had a play date

Eddie making cookies

Eddie loves reading outside

Eddie playing outside

Bowling with Bella. She has
consistently won.

Simon bo-bimon playing with blocks.