Monday, July 23, 2018

Road trips and various adventures

June was a crazy month. It started out that way and never really slowed down. 

The first day of June I woke up at 5am at Rebekah's house and we jumped in the car bright eyed and bushy tailed (haha) to leave for a 10 day trip to Colorado. We drove for 14 hours in one day and arrived at our destination safely. We also learned that Nebraska is a rough state to drive through in one day. The next ten days we met up with Semester friends and Rebekah's family, as well as some of my family. We went to the Summit hotel and visited the lodge. That was by far the hardest part, but I'm now glad that I went. It took a while to come to the conclusion that I was glad to go back, but now I'm genuinely glad that I did. Highlights of that trip would be mountains, Summit friends, mountains, road trip time with Rebekah, mountains, and probably mountains. 

The rest of the month has been a whirlwind of working and getting ready for my next adventure. Also happening in June was the first ever VBS at my church. It was a blast, even though completely exhausting. The kids enjoyed it a lot and I think all of the workers did too. :)

I've still been working tons every week, and it is a little more exhausting with all the kids home from school, but I love them all dearly still. 

It is always an exciting world that I end up living in, whether it be at work or with friends. Little things seem like the end of the world until two days later and all is back to its usual chaos. Despite the crazy, I know that's just how life is and I can learn to enjoy the little things that drive me crazy. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Another year past

Last year I wrote a post the night before my birthday, so I thought, "Why not do that again?" :)
Something I have been doing with my kids a lot is asking them "interview" questions and I thought it would be fun to use some of those for the night before my birthday. Maybe if I'm persistent and keep this up I'll be able to compare them in future years. It'll be fun anyways. So here we go!!!

  • How old are you?
    21 (tomorrow)
  • What is your favourite thing to do?
    Hiking, reading, or baking
  • Where do you work?
    I nanny for two families
  • What is your favourite food?
    Avocados or blueberries
  • Who do you like to spend time with?
    Anyone my age
  • What do you do really well?
    I'm not sure...hopefully my job
  • What makes you laugh?
    Inside jokes, my friends
  • What is the best part of the day?
    The moment I first wake up in the morning before the realities of life sink in
  • What are you afraid of?
    Thunder and tornadoes 
  • What do you love to learn about?
    Languages and theology
  • Where is your favourite place?
  • What is the last book you read?
    Finished: An Experiment in Criticism (for the third time)
    In process: The Great Divorce
    Both by C.S. Lewis