Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Worldview Academy: Wednesday (Part 1)

Wednesday is split into two parts, because there is way too much that happened to put it into one post. My fingers would probably fall off. :) Anyway, you have been warned!

Wednesday morning started off a little differently, at least for my group. Tuesday night we decided our group was going to get up half an hour early and do worship together before we got going. All of us were prepared to get up at 7:00. Unfortunately, I woke up at 4:30 with a horrible stomach ache. One of the things I hate the most is waking people up in the middle of the night or really early in the morning, so I did not go get me leader at 4:30. I layed in bed until about 6:00, then my stomach hurt so much I couldn't stand it anymore and went to find my leader. The only problem was I didn't know where her room was. All I knew is which floor she was on. Of course this would be a different floor than I was on, so I went downstairs to try to find her. Thankfully, another leader was already up and texted Christa for me. They gave me some medicine and sent me back to bed. After my group did worship, Christa came up to check on me and see if I was feeling up to going to breakfast with the group. I told her yes, so I had to get dressed really quickly. I honestly do not remember if I did my hair or not, so I probably looked quite strange walking into breakfast. :) After what felt like a long time, we went to devotions and then to quiet times. When quiet times were over we went into our first lecture of the day. My group sat in the second row in the middle. The lecture was called "The Biblical Basis for True Authority" and it was given by Bill Jack. It felt like a longer lecture, but it was probably just because I was so tired and I had heard it before. When that lecture was over, we got a little break. I really don't remember what we did, but I was really out of it most of the day. When we came back into sessions, we met a "new" friend. In reality, it was Bill Jack with a toupe and glasses. :) I wish I had a picture, because thinking back it is quite funny. This was what they called our "Worldview Practicum." Bill Jack took on the worldview of a homosexual pastor and claimed the Bible never said anything against homosexuallity that condemned it. Our job as students was to try to prove him wrong. Of course, because the goal was to see if we could apply everything they taught us before going out into the real world, Bill did not budge in his worldview. After a while, we got Bill Jack back and he debriefed us on what just happened. After that was lunch!!! My small group got to eat lunch with Bill Jack, which was really exciting for all of us. :) Christa had us think of questions ahead of time, so that there wouldn't be any awkward silences. We had a good time teasing with him and asking lots of questions. Since evangelising was that afternoon, we did not have small group after lunch .We got about an hour and a half of free time. Christa had some things she had to do before we went evangelising, so our group had to arrange ourselves and figure out where everyone was going to be. Leah and I both decided that it was a good time to take a nap. :)

This concludes part 1 of Wednesday. Check back later for part 2. :)

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