Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Seattle Day 3 (Thursday)

Hectic is the only word that comes to mind. We all got up really early and ran to Panera for breakfast. Then the boys left us and we went to some stores on the Landing, which is a giant shopping center. It is kind of like a giant outdoor mall. It was freezing cold out and I didn't bring a jacket, so I got one at one of the stores we had to go to. Auntie's car was being fixed by her own personal pit crew. (aka Caleb, Dad, and Papa) She came in the Jeep to take us girls to IKEA. We were meeting Brian's mom, Michelle, at IKEA so we walked a little ways and then turned around to go back to the door to wait for her. Once she got there, we walked around looking at things and grabbing what we needed. Then Auntie came in her Subaru, which was fixed, to pick us up. The boys followed her to make sure nothing went wrong. They took all the IKEA stuff and put it in the jeep so that we did not have to try to fit all of us in with the stuff into the Subaru. We then went to Michael's craft store to grab the craft stuff needed for the wedding. Then we went to LifeWay Bible Bookstore because Gram needed some stuff to take back to Alaska. Jack (Brian's dad) came and picked up Michelle while we were in the bookstore. Then we stopped at Auntie's and picked up something she needed to take to a friends house. We dropped by her school and got the coffee pots for the wedding reception. The kids all ran to her and screamed with joy when she came in. It was so cute!! Next we dropped the things off at her friends house. Then we went to pick up her veil and bouquet. The lady who made them has a little boy name Finnigan who is absolutely adorable! Since all of our tasks for the day were accomplished, we drove into downtown Seattle and went to Dillitante. It is a magnificent chocolate store and restaurant. They did not open for about fifteen minutes, so we went and got Auntie's bridesmaid's gifts. We went back to Dillitante to eat dinner. It was delightful. I had a white hot chocolate and some hummus with really addicting crackers. Auntie took us back to her house and we got to meet Brian. He will fit into our family quite nicely. :) We went home and then chilled out for the rest of the night. End of day 3!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Arrival of Autumn

When I woke up this morning, it was only 42 degrees!! It was actually really cold! I took Izzy outside for just a little while to play with bubbles and I had to wear a jacket over my sweater. I am quite happy it is finally getting cold outside. Right now we have cakes cooling because we need them cooled off really fast. We are making a special ice cream cake for our friend's birthday and taking it to him as a surprise later. :) I need to go help.

Seattle Day 2 (Wednesday)

I got up at 6:30 and wrote a little bit in my journal. Of course it was dark because I didn't want to wake up any one else. Papa got up pretty quick after that, so I did not get too much done. We started coffee and hot water for tea. I had vanilla caramel tea. It was delicious. I had a peanut butter bar of some sort for breakfast. We sat around most of the morning just doing a little bit of planning. Right before lunch I started to work on the the banner for the reception hall. Markers and glitter glue are my friends. WE all had leftovers from dinner for lunch, then the boys took a walk down to the water. I stayed at the house and worked on the banner for a while. When the boys got back, they and Gram went down to the ceremony site and reception hall to learn where they both were. After a while, we ran to Jack in the Box for dinner. While we were ordering, Auntie called and said her car had broken down, but she had a ride coming. We came home and ate dinner, all worrying about her. In the process of us eating, a car accident happened right outside the house we were staying in. Everyone ran outside, but Caleb and I were told to stay on the porch. It was terrifying to watch as two infants and a first/second grader were pulled out of the car. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Everyone came back to the house and we finished dinner. I read a little, then Dad and Papa left to go look at Auntie's car. They already knew what was wrong, but they wanted to see how hard it would be to fix. Caleb and I played a game of "Battleship" which he won. Then I went to bed. End of day 2! :)