Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Catching up

Of course, right after I say I have the goal of posting something every week at least, I don't post anything for quite a while. :) That's life sometimes.

There is not too much out of the ordinary going on in my world. I stopped guitar because it was getting to be too much in my crazy schedule and was always the last thing I practiced. I am still playing, I am just not taking lessons for a while. I have found out the theme of my dance recital and know the songs for all three of my dances. The only songs I don't know are the intro and finale, but I won't find those out until the week before show more than likely. For pointe I am dancing to the "Pride and Prejudice theme" from the 1995 version. For ballet we are doing "America" by Neil Diamond and for tap it is "These Boots are made for Walkin'" by Jessica Simpson from the "Dukes of Hazzard" movie. I only really like the song for pointe, but the ballet dance is going to be really pretty, so I cannot complain too much. I can think of a lot worse songs we could be performing to. I have the "Pride and Prejudice" them on repeat in my room most of the day because I love it so much. :)

Sharyssa spent the weekend this past week because her parents were out of town. We had a lot of fun and talked a lot! Monday morning we went to Panera and got to sit by ourselves and feel all grown up. It was quite enjoyable.

I got a new computer. It is a pinkish purple and is pretty small, significantly smaller than my old one. I love it!!! Bella named it "Raspberry" because of it's color.

Speaking of Bella, she has been doing well. Her dance for recital is a penguin dance for the theme of "March of the Penguins." I can't wait to see her costume! She has started a math book and is doing really well. In the past two weeks, she has done five weeks worth of math! I think she likes it just a little bit. We took her ice skating just for fun and it turned out the day we took her was the day after she found out about her recital piece, so we told her it was studying to be a penguin. :D She loved it, but got tired pretty quickly because of the amount of energy she exerted every time her feet started moving. It was really cute though and she did really well for it being her first time on ice skates. I might post pictures later if I think about it.

This post has been much longer than I thought it was going to be. Oh well, I guess my life might be a little busier than I thought.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yay!!!!!!!!! You're dancing to the 'real P&P' music! I'd like to see your computer sometime; sounds cute!
