Friday, April 17, 2015

What I've Been Up To

Life is crazy as always in my little world. 

In January I applied to be staff at Worldview, and a few weeks ago I received the news. I was accepted!!!! I am an intern, which means I only staff for one week and it is with another staff member. I am super-duper excited!!!!!

Dance has been dance. Busy as all can be with recital not that far off now. Right now I would have to say ballet is the hardest dance, because we have several different parts going on at the same time and remembering them all is quite the challenge. Pointe is pretty easy, besides being pointe. Ms. Jodi-Ann had all of us switch to gel pads in our shoes rather than lambs wool bunnies. They feel really strange and a little gross at first. The gel squishes between my toes and I really, really don't like that sensation. They do feel a little better than the wool bunnies once I am en pointe though, so I guess I can't complain too much. :) 

Bella is...well...Bella. Last night she was climbing her dresser (don't know why) and it fell and she broke her pinky finger. She is doing okay with it, but it really hurts and her whole right arm is wrapped and in a sling, which she does not like. Her doctor's appointment was today to figure out whether it is going to be splinted or cast and when that was going to be done. Hopefully she will be much happier on Monday. 

We have been going to the zoo once a week and Bella has been loving it!!! We took some friends this past week and she was so excited the whole day. I liked being able to have some older kids there too, because usually it is just me, my mom, and Bella, and the zoo gets really repetitive. Bella's favorite animals are the dolphins. But her most favorite thing to do at the zoo is not look at the animals, it is to ride the carousel. We rode it twice last time, just because we could. :)

That is pretty much everything going on in my world right now. 

More craziness to come later...


  1. Poor Bella!! :(

    I had a ton of fun going to the zoo with you guys; I'd love to do it again sometime.

  2. Oh my gosh, you got accepted to Worldview!?!?! I'm so happy for you!!!

    Does the gel feel like walking in Jello?
