Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Peek Into Kiki's Brain

Anyone who has had a conversation with me is fully aware my brain works on a little different wave-length than most peoples. I get distracted very easily by very little and floccinaucinihilipilificate things (and I love finding ways to put that word in sentences!). This is because I am thinking and it might even be about the conversation. Almost always, I can connect what I was thinking about back to the conversation without trying too hard, but there are times it just doesn't work that way. Squirrels and sparkles, and sometimes sparkly squirrels, are a wonderful example of things I get distracted by that do not usually fit into the conversation.
A common reasoning for these distractions is that I love taking apart words, especially words I do not know the definition for, even if I can use it in a sentence correctly. Words are fun! This evidently goes along with my love for languages because most people I know do not do this in their brains naturally. This also happens while I am writing a word I do not know how to spell. I have to think through the roots to spell the word, but this can be very confusing and come up with laughable results.
A wonderful example is the word "Dominion."

1. the power of the right of governing and controlling; sovereign authority.

It is usually pronounced duh-min-yuh-n, especially when said quickly. When I go to write this word, I take parts of the word I know how to spell already and work around that. In this case, -minion. The first part of the word though can be pronounced many ways and this causes me to create new pictures in my mind.

Da-minion: Gangster minion

Do-minion: also spelled dough minion

Duh-minion: which puts this image into my head.

In conclusion, my brain is weird. Do not question my brain. It likes minions, llamas, dance, and sparkly squirrels. It will automatically assume everything has to do with one of the above. :D

BEE-BO BEE-BO BEE-BO!!! (while doing chenae turns, spotting a llama, and laughing at the thought of a sparkly squirrel doing the same.)