Friday, September 9, 2016

An Update

As summer is coming to a close, and life is starting to get a little crazy again, I thought it would be a good time for an update on my insane life.

I went from no job to too many jobs in a matter of a couple days. I am working everyday as a nanny between four different families at the moment, which keeps me plenty busy. I love all the kids tremendously, and cannot wait to see them everyday. :) My little prince is 8 months old and a joy to watch, along with his 5, 9, and 13 year old sisters. I also have an 18 month old princess, a 3 year old mischievious monkey, and a 10 year old who is way too cool for school, a 2 year old angel, and a 5 year old sweetheart, and of course my Bella B, who sadly I don't see everyday anymore.

Of course I am still dancing my heart out. I am in three classes, ballet, ballet technique, and pre-pointe. Hopefully by the end of the year I will be able to put my beloved pointe shoes back on, but only time (and a whole lot of hard work) will tell. Classes are amazing, and I am so glad to be back to dancing after such a long break.

The reason for my extended break from dance was a knee injury. Basically I wiggled something to the point of not working properly, and everytime I walked, I dislocated my knee. Yeah, it's as fun as it sounds. Thankfully, physical therapy is coming to an end, and I am back at dance full time. I also can walk on stairs and other uneven surfaces without wishing for my leg to fall off. This is quite the improvement. :D

School is going great, even though it is a little hard to find time to get anything done with working so much, but somehow I'm managing. Right now I am only taking one class. Math. Yippee. It really isn't that bad, and I am learning a lot about logic and other practical skills, rather than just algebraic equations. Evne though I don't think I would mind that all that much this year. The structure of school has been really nice and I am quite glad to have it back after the almost four month break for summer. In the spring my life will get a little bit more hectic because I wll be taking four classes for school rather than just the one. I am looking forward to most of the classes though and ready to learn. It is an adventure I am quite ready to embark upon.

And so my life continues, busy, crazy, and little overwhelming, but God is still sovereign and working through the craziness everyday for His glory.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you post!

    You're a crazy nanny, now... :)
