Thursday, November 17, 2016

I did it!

In Illinois, most kids get their driving permit between the ages of 15 and 16, and then their license the next year, after taking driver's ed. I decided to be weird (nothing new there). My parents told me and my brother we couldn't take our driving tests until we were 18, for many different reasons. My brother promptly got his permit at 18, and a few months later, his license. I, on the other hand, am now 19 1/2 and just got my license. Why did it take me so long? Because I didn't need it. Driving is a privilege I didn't feel the need to take advantage of since my family was completely willing to take me anywhere I needed to go, and was usually going somewhere with them anyway. Now that I'm working full time, 30 minutes away, it is a little difficult for someone to have to drive me, then pick me up a few hours later, when they have their own lives to attend to as well. So I finally got around to taking drivers ed online, and then yesterday, I took my driving test (and passed, might I add). What did I do with this new-found freedom? Go see Bella B, of course! Nothing like the first time driving alone forgetting about construction on a major road during rush hour. I am now pretty confident in my driving skills after surviving that adventure. :)

Beware world! I am licensed to drive and will
probably be using that ability quite a bit. 

The silly little nunkey was very happy about my first choice
of where to drive. :D

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