Sunday, January 21, 2018

What's New

Since being home, I took a month off work to re-adjust and all that fun stuff. During that month, I was bored out of my mind quite a bit, having gone from a crazy schedule to absolutely nothing planned. It was good in a lot of ways, but now my life is the complete opposite.

Every day is a little different but my weeks consist of work, school, dance, and martial arts.

Working 50 hours a week (and sometimes more) is crazy. I love my little kiddos to pieces though and am so very happy to see them as much as I do. Some of them are old enough for school, and one is starting school next week, so I treasure the amount of time I have now with them before they are not around nearly as much.

School starts this week and this past week has been full of planning out the next semester's homework and study times and such. I am taking Old Testament History and Education Portfolio Development, which is basically just writing a million papers in eight weeks. I am actually quite looking forward to school starting though. It will be nice to have some mental challenges again.

Dance has been good and yet weird. I am not too fond of changing studios, but sometimes I have to do so. Seven months off has definitely caused some challenges in class, but it is coming back quickly and I am getting used to having two new teachers.

Since coming home, I have started martial arts (ninjutzu) with my brother. It is rather enjoyable, though ballet and ninjutzu don't mix very well. It takes a lot of focus and is stretching me in many new ways. I only have 4 more weeks of that before going back to just ballet again.

On top of all that, there is still teaching sunday school, keeping up with friends from school and at home, and having to be an adult. None of it is easy, but all of it is growing me and I am learning innumerable amounts of things.

Friday, January 5, 2018

2017 in a Nutshell

It has been quite an eventful year, but that has come to a close, so here are the highlights:

  • Eddie turned 1!!!
  • In March I went to WinterJam for the first time and saw Crowder and Tenth Avenue North live for the first time!
  • Bella turned 7!!!
  • I got to go to "Giselle" with Rebekah (The tales of bitter, dead women are endless)
  • Completed finals for my sophomore year of college
  • Had my last dance recital, at least for a while. 
  • Rebekah and I had a 40th birthday celebrating both of our 20th birthdays 
  • Drove to Kentucky and back in two days, with a little detour in Indiana to see Spider-man (It's a horse! It's a jockey! It's a guy on a horse!)
  • Said the (at the time) hardest good-byes of my life and went to Summit Semester 
  • Celebrated Farvest Hall
  • Had Thanksgiving with more than just family, a lot more. 
  • Graduated Summit Semester
  • Said the current hardest good-byes to my family at Semester
  • Returned to Illinois generally in one piece
  • Got a new cousin!!!!!!!!!! 
  • Nearly froze to death in Chicago with friends
  • Had the best New Year's Eve with three dear friends from Summit
  • Talked on the phone more than I ever have in my life between being at Semester and talking to Semester people now that we are all home. 

Here's to an amazing 2018!