Friday, August 10, 2018

Birthdays, Weddings, and Adventures

July was quite the month. Summer isn't usually all that hectic for me, but this summer has been quite the exception. 

The first notable thing in July is the day America celebrate's its independence. Here in the great midwest it was full of thunderstorms, so we celebrated a day late. As per tradition, my dad and I climbed up onto the roof, with blankets, hoodies, and Dr. Pepper, to watch the fireworks. Other than the mosquitos, it was great! Also, I won the annual Dr. Pepper can races this year. :) 

Nothing too notable in the realm of work, but it is what consumed most of the time I had. Lots of time at the pool with the kiddos and playing outside. Trampoline time and water balloons also reigned supreme in the realm of fun things to do. 

Birthday fun
In the middle of July I turned 21! I still don't feel more than 16, but maybe that isn't an all bad thing. The weekend before my birthday my mentor from Semester came up to visit. Caleb, Rebekah, Katherine, Anna, Maggie, Jillian, and I all went indoor skydiving. It was amazing!!! We went out to lunch/dinner at Chick-fil-a afterwards and had lots of fun goofing off and generally enjoying our time together. On my actual birthday, I went to work and my kids made it an amazing day! They sang me songs and made me a super sweet card and we ate brownies after lunch. It made the day perfect. <3

New Mexico
4 days after turning 21 I flew to New Mexico for my best friend from Semester's wedding. I went two weeks before the wedding so that we could have some time to hang out and just be sisters again for a little while. It was so much fun! Living with her again was one of the best things about this summer. Also, babysitting her two little sisters, Sophie (8)  and Lily (6), made my visit complete. They are such precious children and I love them so much. The second night I was there I got the privilege of seeing several of Katie's friends in "Lion King" and that was quite enjoyable. Sophie and Lily were in it too, along with Katie's other two siblings, Noah and Julia. Another huge highlight from New Mexico (before the wedding, of course) was meeting my personality doppleganger. Her name is Maggie and we are basically the same person. It is rather fantastic. In the matter of about an hour we became super good friends and have talked every day since then, even now that I'm home. :D 

That's about it in the realm of July. The wedding was such a big deal (and in August) so it shall receive a post of it's own. 

Now for some pictures....

My sweet Lily flamingo.

Katie trying to solve her Cryptex
wedding present.

Caden and Katie working together.

Silly Sophie fun

Beautiful Maggie and I. (The photobomber would
be Josiah lol)
Eddie at the pool.

Sandbox time with the sillies.

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