Friday, May 24, 2019

Khyri's Adventures in Bavaria

Previously I posted about Ebi's adventures through Bavaria, but he slept through a lot of it, or was stuck in a backpack, so he did not get to see or do everything. This is Bavaria, from a human's perspective. :)

Overnight flights are the worst. This trip started out with an overnight flight to Stockholm. With only a few movies to watch, it was pretty long. Typically I sleep pretty well on planes, but this was the exception. From Stockholm, we flew to Munich, where we were staying for a few days.
Downtown Munich
Munich is a crazy city, full of people and hustle and bustle. It honestly felt very similar to American big cities, except everyone spoke German instead of English. We lost our bag at the airport, so the first night was spent a little stressed in an attempt to get our bag back, but we also got to explore the city some.
Pigeons are the main birds found in Munich.

An arch in the middle of downtown.

While staying in Munich, we went on a tour of two castles in the area. Both were designed by Ludwig II, but one of them is famous because of the influence it had on Walt Disney designing the castle for the intro to all Disney movies. :)

Castle #1

A common duck. There were a lot of
ducks, basically everywhere we went.

A part of castle #2, but it is still lived in.

Neuschwanstein, which inspired Walt Disney

The bridge from which the picture above was taken.
(This picture is taken from the castle.)
 After Munich, we headed to Salzburg, which was amazing!
The view from our hotel window.

The main river running through Salzburg.

Dad and Caleb being silly.

Dad with a LEGO police officer.

The lock bridge. People put a lock on the bridge
and throw the key into the river to promise to
forever love each other and stay together.

Austrian geese.

A house of Hitler's that was bombed after the war.

The most beautiful waterfall ever!

Salzburg from a bell tower.

The family being very tourist-y.

The fortress overlooking the city.

A traditional German dress. It is actually
quite comfortable!

All I asked to do while on this trip was see the mountains. It was worth every second.

The mountains were beyond beautiful. I wish these pictures captured what I saw in person. 
While at a tour of a castle, we saw a falconry show, which was amazing. They had trained the birds to fly on command and because of the location, they were able to let the birds fly freely as well. 

Another adventure in Salzburg was Hangar 7. Caleb and Dad really wanted to go to see the museum of planes and cars that are on display for the Red Bull teams. 

Some of you may know that Salzburg is the home of Sound of Music, so it is hard to go much of anywhere without seeing something related to either the real Von Trapp family, or somewhere they filmed. 

Amongst random other adventures, these were the highlights of the trip! The flight back was much more tolerable and I am very glad to be back home once least until my next adventure. ;)

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