Saturday, September 5, 2020

20 Fun Facts About Me

 It has been a while since I have posted anything regarding random things about me, so here are twenty random fun facts about me!

1. My favourite colours are purple and teal.

2. I love books. Adore books. Cannot get enough books.

3. My ideal day includes lots of music, coffee, mac and cheese, and a few close friends.

4. I prefer mountains over beaches. (I really don't like sand very much.)

5. I do not like wearing jewelry because it is constantly getting in the way.

6. I am a pretty equal mix of girly and tom-boy. 

7. Les Miserables is my favourite book and musical.

8. I color code EVERYTHING. (Even my students have caught onto this!)

9. I spend very little time on social media, but will go on when I have used all my energy.

10. My favourite season is fall because I don't like cold weather, but I don't like hot weather either. Fall is a nice in-between. It also comes with maple leaf cookies and the world becomes much more colourful. I can also wear sweatshirts without everyone asking if I'm too hot. 

11. My favourite kinds of food are Cajun and Chinese.

12. I do not have a favourite genre of music, because there is a little bit in every genre that I like (typically...there are some exceptions.)

13. My favourite genre of books is fantasy.

14. I prefer hot coffee over iced coffee, but frozen coffee over hot coffee.

15. I write everything down, but then forget where I wrote it down, so it doesn't do me a lot of good.

16. In the past 4 months I have had 4 addresses. 

17. My favourite animals are tigers, llamas, and owls (Oh, my!) 

18. I do not like watching movies, except on certain occasions.

19. The first book I remember reading on my own was Junie B. Jones.

20. It takes me forever to trust someone, but once I do, it is 100%. 

1 comment:

  1. Let's eat mac and cheese and see mountains together soon. Love youu!!!
