Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chaotic Joy

Ramé is a French word meaning "something that is both chaotic and joyful at the same time." 

I think most teachers would use the word "chaos" for this school year. I don't blame them. It is quite accurate. As a first-year teacher, at a new school, in a new state, chaos is what I feel most of the time. It can become rather overwhelming, honestly. This week, new restrictions are in place, adding a whole new level of chaos to everyone's lives. (Yes, it is possible!) 

Yet, chaos is not the only feeling. 

There is also joy. Unspeakable, amazing, overflowing joy. I walk into my classroom, be it my temporary classroom, every morning as the sun is just coming over the mountain. I see nine little desks, with nine little chairs each with the name of one of my precious little students, and all I feel is joy. There is no chaos yet. It is quiet and calm. The calm before the storm. I set up their desks for their morning work, make sure I have enough copies for phonics, math, language arts, and science, pick out our read-aloud books for the day, and smile. For a few hours, those nine little lives are mine. I get to share the gospel with them. I get to love them. I get to see them learn new words, break through walls, and make new friends. I get a few hours a day to impact their little hearts. This is one of the deepest joys I will ever experience, and I like it that way. 

While my world seems chaotic and constantly out of control, those nine precious children only need to see the joy. They need to see the peace that God can give, even though their world is falling apart too. They need the calm, not the storm. God has placed these sweet, amazing students in my classroom for the purpose of me showing them His love, peace, and joy, no matter what chaos is surrounding them. 

Yes, this school year is chaotic, but it is also joyful. This school year is ramé and it is a blessing. 

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