Friday, July 27, 2012


 Sharyssa and Rebekah at the tea house.
Me and Sharyssa.
 Kylee and Sharyssa
 Katherine and Sharyssa
 Linnea and Sharyssa
 Sharyssa and her mom
 The tea house put a little setting for Sharyssa. If you cannot read the little picture frame, it says 'Happy Sweet 16!'.
 Sharyssa opening presents.
 Sharyssa enjoying the cold and refreshing strawberry lemonade. :)
 One of my favorite pictures of Sharyssa in her blue dress.
 Group picture.
 All of us holding scrabble letters that spell 'friends'.

Happy Sweet 16 to a very special person!


Last Friday was a surprise party that was in the making since October or November.
It started out by me 'forgetting' my piano books at my lesson the day before.
Friday morning at 8:45 seven excited guests showed up at my house.
We straightened Rebekah's hair while we waited for Sharyssa to arrive.
At 9:10, Sharyssa came to drop off my piano music on the way to a 'doctors appointment'.
She walked into my room, suspecting nothing, where we were all waiting to surprise here.
All of us yelled, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the instant she walked into the room.
She was so stunned! At first, she got really upset thinking we had gotten the dates wrong, that her birthday was next weekend. 
Then she realized we were all there and she had to go to the doctor. 
We all quickly told her she was not going to the doctors, but she was still confused.
After we did Katherine and Kylee's hair, we set out to go to the hair salon to get the birthday girls hair done.
We all watched as her hair was curled and pinned. It was gorgeous!
Then we went to a quaint little tea house for a birthday lunch. All of the food was delicious and Sharyssa had a lot of fun. 
While we were at the tea house, Sharyssa opened her presents.
The Whites gave her a homemade hat and twirly scarf, which were both very cute. 
Linnea gave her a special book.
Her Aunt gave her a pearl necklace. 
I gave her some sparkly body mist.
After opening presents, we went to go pick up a dear friend Mikayla to do pictures. 
She led us into a nearby park. 
Sharyssa was gorgeous in all of her pictures!
After Mikayla had to go home, we took some more pictures of the groups. 
When we had gotten our fill of pictures, we all went back to Sharyssa's house.
We painted little jars to use as cups, which was a lot of fun.
Then we had a small tea time, with "rasberry cordial" (also known as sparkling grape juice), Texas sheet cake, and frozen fruit.
Then the White girls had to go home. :'(
Kylee, Sharyssa, and I all walked down to the park for a little while, then came back and had hot dogs for dinner.
We were also playing a game of Skip-Bo while we ate.
Then we watched 'Singing in the Rain', of which I fell asleep during. 
After the movie was over, we went into their living room and fell asleep pretty quickly.
The next morning was nothing eventful. We all got up and got ready to go. 
Sharyssa and Kylee were meeting the White girls at the beach, but I was not going because I needed to get some rest before that night.
I left pretty quickly after breakfast. 
The fun was over.

Now on her real 16th birthday, I pray she has a fantasical day full of fun and love. 

(I will put another post up with the pictures in a little while, but my fingers are quite tired.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Birthday part 2

After everyone left, I waited for Daddy to get home. When he got home, I showed him all my presents from my friends and my shark socks from Caleb. Then it was finally time to open the mysterious present that sat on our table all day long. I knew it was from my parents, but I had to wait until Dad got home to open it. I, not so slowly, took the tissue paper out and pulled out a box. I have learned in my family that you ignore whatever it says on the box, because it is probably not what is really inside. So when I read Kindle on the box, it did not effect me at all. The reason we had a Kindle box never crossed my mind while I slowly opened the box. Well, this time it really was what the box said. I got a Kindle!! I was overjoyed. I got a Kindle touch, so it does not have a really shiny screen. After messing with my Kindle for a while, we went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. It was delicious. Daddy took all of us to Dairy Queen afterwards, but I could hardly eat any of my ice cream. That was okay though, because I got to eat it today. When we came home, I played around on my kindle some more, which was pretty much just getting some books on there and figuring out how it works. Then I went to bed for the day. I have to say it was one of my best birthdays. Definitely in the top 5.

My Birthday!

Yesterday was my 15th birthday. I got up and went to the gym with mom. This was by choice, she didn't force me to go workout on my birthday. Then I came home and made breakfast burritos for my dad to take to work. After that, I made my birthday cake. It was delicious red velvet cake.

Me and Caleb decided that this did not look very much like cake batter. I looked like a vampire after licking the bowl. :)

 These are part of my present from Caleb. (The other part is not here yet) They are shark socks. Anyone who knows the baby shark song will get the meaning of this. We had lunch, then skyped with my grandpa in Alaska. My friends all got to my house right after we stopped talking to my grandpa. We made little plate-like things that we decorated with sharpies and ribbon. Then we had cake and tiger tea. After that we all made ribbon bracelets and necklaces. They all looked really cool. Then we had time to just goof off. It is easier to explain with pictures, so here you go!

 They all sang happy birthday, quite loudly might I add.
 Kylee was playing on my exercise ball.
 Rebekah, Sharyssa, and Kylee thought up a game of pulling each other on the ball. Here is an example of Rebekah. Sharyssa is pulling her feet and when Sharyssa stops, Kylee will pull her hands. They do this quite fast for a thrilling ride.
Katherine teasing us by getting on the ball, but not letting us give her the ride.
Kylee making faces at the camera. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day

Yesterday was the Fourth of July, so Daddy did not have to go to work. Me and him made chocolate chip pancakes. Then Dad took Caleb to the gym. We just hung around until dinner, which was barbecue sausage and mashed potatoes. Then we went to our usual spot to watch the fireworks. Unfortunately, our spot was blocked off so we had to go find a new spot. We like our new spot much better. You can see all of the fireworks much clearer. We had to wait about 2 hours before they started, but once they did it was really cool. Happy Independence Day!!