Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Birthday!

Yesterday was my 15th birthday. I got up and went to the gym with mom. This was by choice, she didn't force me to go workout on my birthday. Then I came home and made breakfast burritos for my dad to take to work. After that, I made my birthday cake. It was delicious red velvet cake.

Me and Caleb decided that this did not look very much like cake batter. I looked like a vampire after licking the bowl. :)

 These are part of my present from Caleb. (The other part is not here yet) They are shark socks. Anyone who knows the baby shark song will get the meaning of this. We had lunch, then skyped with my grandpa in Alaska. My friends all got to my house right after we stopped talking to my grandpa. We made little plate-like things that we decorated with sharpies and ribbon. Then we had cake and tiger tea. After that we all made ribbon bracelets and necklaces. They all looked really cool. Then we had time to just goof off. It is easier to explain with pictures, so here you go!

 They all sang happy birthday, quite loudly might I add.
 Kylee was playing on my exercise ball.
 Rebekah, Sharyssa, and Kylee thought up a game of pulling each other on the ball. Here is an example of Rebekah. Sharyssa is pulling her feet and when Sharyssa stops, Kylee will pull her hands. They do this quite fast for a thrilling ride.
Katherine teasing us by getting on the ball, but not letting us give her the ride.
Kylee making faces at the camera. :)

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