Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Birthday part 2

After everyone left, I waited for Daddy to get home. When he got home, I showed him all my presents from my friends and my shark socks from Caleb. Then it was finally time to open the mysterious present that sat on our table all day long. I knew it was from my parents, but I had to wait until Dad got home to open it. I, not so slowly, took the tissue paper out and pulled out a box. I have learned in my family that you ignore whatever it says on the box, because it is probably not what is really inside. So when I read Kindle on the box, it did not effect me at all. The reason we had a Kindle box never crossed my mind while I slowly opened the box. Well, this time it really was what the box said. I got a Kindle!! I was overjoyed. I got a Kindle touch, so it does not have a really shiny screen. After messing with my Kindle for a while, we went to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. It was delicious. Daddy took all of us to Dairy Queen afterwards, but I could hardly eat any of my ice cream. That was okay though, because I got to eat it today. When we came home, I played around on my kindle some more, which was pretty much just getting some books on there and figuring out how it works. Then I went to bed for the day. I have to say it was one of my best birthdays. Definitely in the top 5.

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