Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Little Mermaid

Sunday was a little bit of a hectic day. I had church in the morning and then right afterwards had to leave to go see "Little Mermaid." Sharyssa was playing Flotsam, an electric eel. (Here is the link to the character development: http://sharyssaferrellmay.blogspot.com/2013/02/little-mermaid-character-development.html) It was a really long car ride, so we all had to pack lunches for on the way there. I rode with some friends because my family did not want to go. It was a really amazing show! When the pictures come up on the website, I will put a link up on here. Sharyssa was a very good eel. :) After the show, we all went and said hello to Sharyssa, and gave her hugs. Her costume was really, really cool! Since she was an electric eel, she had lights on her outfit that she had control of by a little button on her ankle. (Correct me if I am wrong, dear one.) While we were waiting for the adults to finish talking, Katherine, Rebekah, Kylee, and I stood right outside the auditorium and danced to the various broadway songs that were playing. It was very amusing to watch, I am sure. Then we left for the long car ride home. Overall, it was a very fun day, and I enjoyed watching the show immensely. (Even if Rebekah and I had a couple fights over who got to pop the bubbles floating all over the place during "Under the Sea") :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Essay Scholarship

A month ago a contest was started on CollegePlus. Everyone who entered had to write an essay on the given topic. I entered, but forgot about the essay until Sunday afternoon. Oops! Thankfully I did get it done. :) If I win, I will get a year scholarship to classes and $5,000 to any missions trip of my choice. There is a secondary prize that will go to the person with the most votes. I probably will not win this prize since the voting closes tomorrow (Friday), but if you guys want to vote I would appreciate it! Here is the link: http://scholarships.collegeplus.org/essays/632-lessons-lived-and-learned. Thanks!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Ankle of Doom

For years I have had problems with my ankle. Most people who are reading this probably already know that fact. :) I asked my parents if I could start dance again, and their one requirement was that my ankle got looked at first. I agreed to this not knowing what was to come. I went to our family doctor and she sent me to go get x-rays and to an orthopedic.The next morning I went to go get the x-rays. After telling the nurse that my birthday was in the nineteenth month, (I told them my birthday was 19/7/97) I went to x-ray room. When I walked in the nurse said, "Who needs a foot and who needs an ankle?" I was very confused! Then I realized that it was all students in the room. That calmed me down a little bit. :) I got the x-rays and then went home. The next Monday, I went to the orthopedic and he sent me to go get and MRI because the x-ray did not show anything. I got the MRI done the next day. That is a miserable experience. I had to lay still for half an hour and listen to country music because that is what the nurse had on in the station, which is all I could hear. Just to let those of you who do not know me as well, sitting still is not one of my fortes...at all. A couple minutes is incredibly hard, let alone thirty of them. Today I went back to the orthopedic with my MRI results. It turns out all of this pain has been caused by a little bit of inflammation in my ankle joint. The cure for that was a steroid shot. Before the doctor could give me the shot he had to numb my ankle, and that process is done by freezing it. I am not kidding. He sprayed a really, really, really cold spray on my ankle and then rubbed some yellow stuff on there. (I think it was an antiseptic of some sort.) Then I felt a little pinch and a weird sensation in my ankle. I knew in my mind it was the needle, but it felt really weird! Then there was another pinch and it was over. The doctor made me look away so I never saw the needle, which is probably for the best. This is a very special shot, because now I am cleared to do whatever I want, as long as I put ice on my ankle after doing these activities and I also do not have to go to physical therapy. :) And the peasants rejoice!!!

Annie Jr.

Sunday Sharyssa, Caleb, Mrs. Greene. and I (along with a bunch of other people from SYT DuPage) went to help with the SYT production of Annie Jr. It was the counties first show and they were short handed. Sharyssa, Caleb, and I were ushers in the balcony along with two other people. Caleb and Curtis opened doors while Sharyssa and I led everyone to their seats.We had it pretty easy because not many people sat up there. The really cool part is we got great seats through the show. Sharyssa and I laid on the floor watching through the glass panels on the railing for the first half of the first act, but then decided it would be better to go to the seats. Unfortunately this required going up stairs without a flashlight in a pitch black room. (We did this during a blackout.) At the end of act one, we went downstairs to be social. :) Sharyssa said hello to her friends and I met a lot of them. After a little while we went back up to the balcony to make sure that no one brought food up there because that was part of our job. We sat on the other side, but this time not on the floor. There were chairs and stools on that side. After the show we made sure everyone went out the correct door. Then we went and were social again until it was time to leave. Overall the show was really good. The boy playing Rooster was only 9 or 10, I do not remember. He was so adorable!!! We all felt so official because we got name tags and lanyards for during the show that way people knew they could ask us stuff. :) It was a lot of fun to get to work on a show (and get into a free show!)