Sunday, March 23, 2014

College Visit

In January, I went to visit a college with one of my dear friends Winter. She begged me to come along so she did not have to go by herself and I thought it sounded like fun, especially going with Winter!

After church, I went to their house and we left to go to the school. It was about an hour and a half away, so we had quite an amusing time. Seriously though, do not leave me and Winter in the car, bored for that amount of time. We thought up quite a bit of mischief on the way. We stopped at Red Robin for lunch, and I found out Winter does not like the mascot. After inspecting it during our meal, I decided I do not like it very much either. It is the scary chicken! Once we arrived in the town the college is in, we realized we were a little too early, so we stopped at Goodwill and got David, Winter's brother, a multi-colored cow tie. :)

After all of these lovely adventures, we went to the school. While waiting at the table, since no one would come sit with us, Winter and I came up with sarcastic and snarky answers to all of their conversation starters, which amused us for quite some time. Then we played Jeopardy with the group of high school students there to see the college and ate pizza. The people we were staying with came and picked us up and took us to the dorms. Winter and I got to stay in the freshman girls dorms, which are a little bit bigger than I had actually imagined. We stayed up watching movies and talking for quite a while, then went to bed.

In the morning, we met back up with Winter's mom and went on a tour of the campus and chapel. Then Winter had a degree consultation type thing, which did not take very long because she was the only one there looking at the degree she wants to get. Then we were off to lunch where we had bacon macaroni and cheese and ice cream!!! Winter also had an audition for an orchestra scholarship, so I got to listen to her play her violin for a little bit. After that we headed home. Well, actually, we headed to my Spotlight class, where they dropped me off.

It was quite the adventure. Winter and I do not know how to have a dull moment together, no matter what we are doing!

1 comment:

  1. So were you watching movies with students of the college?
