Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions-ish

One of my very close friends asked me yesterday if I had any new year's resolutions and I said no. Now that I have been thinking about it, I think it is rather depressing not to have any goals for this year. I guess I don't call them resolutions more than I do call them goals.

My New Year's Resolutions for 2015:

  • Read through the whole Bible
  • Post on my blog once a week (at least)
  • Listen to more classical music
  • Learn to do a tour jete on both feet (with and without pointe shoes)
  • Live everyday for God's glory
  • Keep a consistent quiet time
  • Move up a level in ballet
  • Move up a level in piano
  • Graduate

I don't know how feasible all of these are, but they are my goals and I will do my best to keep all of them.


  1. I think you've got a good list of goals. I'm the same way, I didn't have many resolutions, but had several goals. Graduation is one of my goals too, what do you know?!?!?! :D

    I'm glad you want to post more on your blog, I always enjoy reading it!

  2. I think those are some splendorific goals! Yes I agree with Rebekah, would love to hear from you, "like, every week." ;)
