Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years Day 2015

Most years at my house, New Years isn't really celebrated all that much. We do some small things, but nothing extravagant. Usually a lot of sleeping is involved. This year was a little different though.

When I got up it was a little bit after 10 o'clock in the morning, which is extreme sleeping in for me. Dad had to go to work for a while, so I thought it would be pretty calm until he got home. I was wrong. We cleaned the entire house. Almost all of the laundry go done, all of the dishes we done and the cabinets wiped off, the kitchen floor got cleaned and I had the joyous job of folding all of the laundry that was accumulating in the living room. The laundry was more interesting than the kitchen stuff because I got to watch TV while I folded everything. My room had a little bit of work left to do, so I almost finished it up. There is still a small amount of dusting that needs done, but other than that my entire room is finished.

After lunch, Caleb and I went to a friend's New Years open house. We got to stay for quite a while a visit with all of our friends that were there. I had a lot of fun (and joy)! While I was there, I got a phone call asking if I could watch the nunkey and her siblings for a while that night. Bella was rather insistent on me coming, and it is very hard to say no to her when she is saying how much she dearly loves me and wants to see me soon.

I got to go home for a little bit and get changed into clothing that was more comfortable for babysitting in, then they picked me up and I went and watched the kiddos for a bit. All the kids showed me their Christmas presents and told me about their vacation after Christmas. After a short game of hide and seek, the kids all wanted to take a break and lay on the couch. The oldest two fell asleep, so I just had Bella for a while. She was very happy for the one on one time, which she spent snuggling.

I highly enjoyed the first day of the new year, especially since I got to spend it with friends and my nunkey girl.

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