Thursday, November 19, 2015


Friends are precious things. They make me smile, laugh, cry, and enjoy life in general. I am beyond blessed that my closest friends are all Christians and we can share in a love that is greater than anything anyone could ever imagine. The bond between us can never be broken and it is held together with the word of God.
With my group of friends, inside jokes are abounding. I could not even start to explain most of the inside jokes we have, but one is very special. Bananas. It is the type of love we share as friends. The type of love that only best friends can understand. The type of love that makes us more like siblings than friends. It is bananas. :)
As one of my dearest friends put it, "Love you to the moon of some far off planet where the aliens eat banana-bit shakes and sit by fireplaces until they laugh into eternity." This is our type of friendship. Weird, crazy, non-sensical, and full of joy and laughter.
Bananas. It's my type of friendship. :D

1 comment:

  1. Man, that quote still makes me smile! And laugh on the inside. It's great.
