Sunday, December 13, 2015


A dear friend and I have been writing letters to each other to give them whenever we see the other (or a sibling) next. These are not shallow, simple letters about things we talk about all the time in person. They are letters to one another that express how we are truly doing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Most of the time they include crazy inside jokes and very colorful doodles as well, which is half the fun. :D

One of the letters I received, my friend was struggling with a lot, so naturally I made the reply as encouraging as I could. What I didn't realize was that I needed to hear that encouragement just as much as my friend did. After I delivered the letter through a sibling, I started thinking about the things I wrote and realized what a hypocrite I was. All of the stuff I wrote, I whole-heartedly meant, but was not doing myself. I needed to act upon what I was saying as well.

God used our little letters (I don't see them as that, but in the ultimate scheme of things, that is really what they are.) to show me how much I needed to change how I was living. I needed to do something impossible and live a life the Bible requires of a Christian. Without God, this is utterly hopeless. Thankfully, God sent His son to die for me and take upon my sin, so I can be saved. Through this God has enabled me to live a life of holiness. Not that I'm perfect, by any means, but now it is possible to do good. All to the glory of our great God who can do far more than I can start to dream or imagine!

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