Sunday, January 8, 2017

2016 in a flash

This past year went by in the flash of an eye, but here are some of the highlights from my crazy year.

  • Taught Bella kindergarten 
  • Helped with Katherine and Josiah's fundraiser concert for their mission trip
  • Found out that thermometers can be sarcastic lol
  • Welcomed baby Michael into the world
  • Learned a ballet solo to one of my favorite songs
  • Bella graduated Kiki school
  • Attended Summit Summer conference
  • Got my drivers license
  • Spent my first birthday away from home
  • Started nannying for two new families
  • Completed my freshman year of college and started sophomore year
  • Finished my last math class for forever :D 
  • Made many new amazing friends
  • Changed my major to Biblical Education with the goal of linguistics 
  • Began year two at my new dance studio
  • Spent eight months with the amazing, beautiful, fantastic Madison. 
  • Was accepted into Summit Semester!!!!!!!! 

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