Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2019 in review

This is extremely late, but life has been pretty crazy, and has finally slowed down enough for me to be able to write this post.

Highlight reel of 2019:

  • Many, many Skyzone adventures with my Nunkey girl
  • Eddie turned 3!
  • Finny turned 4! 
  • Left the country for the second time, this time to Bavaria
  • The twins took over the world one list at a time :) 
  • Katie Grace came to visit over my birthday 
  • I surprised Katie Grace (and Maggie...and Emma surprised us lol) in ABQ for her birthday
  • The twins conquered ABQ
  • My precious Misty passed away
  • I met the infamous Chloe ;) 
  • I began my final year of college with Liberty
  • Bella turned 9!
  • Ella turned 8! 
  • Si turned 7! 
  • The twins turned 22 (insert Taylor Swift here) 
  • I met Squeakers!!! (My precious baby cousin) 
  • Went to see the Jane Eyre ballet
  • Went to see John Crist
  • Went to the Ark Encounter
  • Attended the much anticipated wedding of Grace and Hudson :) 

So far in 2020: 
  • I began student teaching, which I am loving!
  • Attended Kylee and Lemar's wedding
  • Enjoying the last little bit of time I have with my littles
  • Preparing to move

Coming up in 2020: 
  • College graduation!!! 
  • Moving to New Mexico!!!
  • And lots of other exciting adventures...

And now for some pictures...

Nunkey girl

John Crist show

The only picture I have with Chloe lol

Ark Encounter

Twins conquering the world

Adventures with Eddie bear

All the amazing Semester people at Grace and
Hudson's wedding. 

Finny and Si

ABQ Surprise for Katie Grace's birthday

Jane Eyre ballet with Josiah

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