Monday, April 27, 2020

My Life Amid COVID-19

It is over a month into quarantine now, and somehow I am just getting around to writing about it. At first I thought this quarantine thing was only going to affect me for about two weeks. Boy, was I wrong!

My life right now...

Student Teaching: 
Since schools cannot be meeting, I have been working online with my host school in order to receive the rest of my hours. This has meant many hours of setting up classes, writing assignments, texting other teachers, grading, and many Zoom meetings. It is not a format that I would prefer, but it has freed up a lot of my time to do other things that I would not get to do otherwise. Teaching in a classroom is by far more preferable in the end though.

Whoever heard of an e-nanny? Well, that is my new job! Social distancing makes working with small children difficult, so I FaceTime and Zoom with my kiddos. As will teaching, I definitely prefer being with the kids. No hugs or snuggles is rough on them and me. :'(

My church is meeting through Live Streams on YouTube as of right now, which has its ups and downs. I like watching church with a snack and in my pajamas, but I definitely miss being gathered in a congregation of believers. Being at home is extremely different, and church is probably where I feel it the most.

Summer plans:
As most people know, I am planning on moving to New Mexico this summer, and as of right now that is still the plan. I have had a lot more time to pack and get prepared for all the craziness that will begin soon. There have been some small changes, as well as some bigger changes, but it is all working out okay in the end, even if it is not how I planned at first.

It is finished!! As of May 8th, I will officially graduate, but all of my classwork is done. Being online to start with helped dramatically through all of this.

Free time: 
What is free time? I have not heard of this concept. In reality, I don't usually have much free time. Before all of this started, I was out of my house at least 12 hours a day. Now I am constantly home. This is a new concept to me, so I am learning how to practically handle free time and be productive. I am starting a bullet journal, packing, spending time outside, student teaching, nannying via FaceTime, and cooking A LOT. At first I watched Netflix fairly often, but I have grown tired of that, so I find other things to do with my time. I spend much of my time cleaning and organizing my room as well, since I am going to be packing it all up in the next month. Some things are packed, but other stuff is still being determined if it will be mandatory or not.

Overall, I am not really enjoying quarantine, but I am finding ways to cope with all the change and fluctuation occurring in my life. God is still good. He is still constant. Those are the things I am leaning on throughout all of this, whatever happens. 

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