Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Teaching Year One

"In learning you will teach

and in teaching you will learn.

You'll find your place beside

the ones you love."

"Son of Man" by Phill Collins

The end of the school year is here. The end of my first year teaching in my own classroom. I said good-bye to my twelve wonderful students and sent them on their way for the summer. While I will see most of them again, it was still quite bittersweet. There were tears on both ends and many, many hugs. 

Looking back at the school year, I am quite sure those twelve little ones taught me more than I thought they could. They tested my patience, kindness, humility, and knowledge of all things. Every day they asked hard questions and expected easy answers. Sometimes the answers were easy, and other times they were not. Even though I have spent years with small children and watching them develop and grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually, this was an entirely new experience. Overall, I had thirteen students this year, and each one taught me something about life, God, or myself. These thirteen kids became my own as my love for them grew deeper. I invested everything I had into their little lives and loved every second of it. There were definitely hard days, especially as the end of the year grew closer, but we all came out on the other side stronger and closer. That little room became a family of sorts and all the complications that came with it. 

I honestly can say these past few months have been hectic and crazy and stressful, but I am thankful for it. I am excited for next year and all the joy and challenges it will bring. Although, I am definitely also grateful for the break to enjoy a real New Mexico summer, since last year was, different, to say the least. 

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