Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Everything Has Changed


"All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed"

~Everything Has Changed by Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift

My life has pretty much flipped upside down since I last posted on here. When I last wrote, I had a serious boyfriend, was teaching summer school after my first year of teaching, and enjoying my first New Mexico summer. Now I am almost done with my second year of teaching, live in a two-bedroom apartment, and am getting married in just a little over a week! 


I have a class of 11 this year and am learning a lot still! This class is extremely different from last year, full of new challenges and excitement. I still love my kiddos and love seeing their beautiful faces, as there are no longer masks at school. They continue to be my world, though maybe a little less so this year due to having a fiance. We are enjoying learning together and they are working so hard to do their best. 


I am working with the youth consistently, though now on a hiatus until a while after the wedding. Bryce and I also work in kid's ministry with the preschoolers. There is always excitement and chaos involved in youth and kid's ministry, but we love it and can't wait to go back after we get used to the whole being married thing. 


As mentioned above, the wedding is a little over a week away and to say we are excited is an understatement. I cannot wait to be married to Bryce and start our new lives together. While I know there will be a lot of change, both easy and hard, it is the start of a new life that I have been dreaming about since I was little. I found my Prince Charming (though he has a lot more in common with Spider-Man) and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him. It's also pretty great that lots of family and friends will be coming into town, and I will have a chance to see them all and celebrate this great day with them! 

Book club

A highlight of my time right now is a little book club that I am a part of. It is some ladies from church and we meet once a month to talk about a book we have all just read, though usually conversation strays far from the book. It has become a wonderful community and I have grown closer to already existent friends and made new ones along the way. God has blessed me with this little literature-loving community, and I love it! 

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