Thursday, February 9, 2012

Parodies and Video Taping

Today on the way home from Oak Forest, Caleb was playing the song "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald". Anyone who has heard this song knows that it never ends and is really slow. As soon as it started playing, I promptly said "Can we just have the Tim Hawkins version?". Tim Hawkins, who is a comedian, wrote a one verse version. It is "The story lives on of the boat she went down and the people all died...bummer." It goes to the same tune and has all the major points, but it is much shorter. :)

One of our good friends asked me and Caleb to video tape one of her classes for her website. It was a C.S.I (crime scene investigation) class. They are extremely interesting so I did not mind. This is the reason we were in Oak Forest. I never knew that video taping was so much work! I was just using a portable camera. Thankfully, there were two sessions of the same class so we got a second try. I had to get the right angles and figure out which information was important and what was not. I have not watched any of the videos yet, but I am a little scared to.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you did a great job! You were a wonderful helper and I really appreciated your positive attitude!
