Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve!!

Well, what a year this has been! I am sure there are a million things I am going to forget in this blog, so I apologize to anyone who remembers something I don't from the past year. You can comment if your heart so desires. :)

In 2012...
  • I went to my second annual Lord-of-the-Rings-athon
  • Had my first tap recital in (at least) 8 years
  • Participated in Operation MOMS
  • Got strep for the first time
  • Went to APACHE (my first homeschool convention)
  • Lost a good friend (Gamma)
  • Got a new fishy (Delta)
  • Found Rock Island with my best friends
  • Saw 'Music Man' live for the first time
  • Started going to a new small group
  • Went to 'Fake Prom' for the first time
  • Went to Worldview Academy (and loved every second of it)
  • Turned 15 years old
  • Celebrated my best friend's 16th birthday :)
  • Started my sophomore year of high school
  • Talked to the police :)
  • Started watching Isabella (my nonkey minin)
  • Started a new co-op (and my last co-op)
  • Started working with the one years olds at MOPS
  • Celebrated Caleb's 17th birthday
  • Went to Seattle (for the second time)
  • My Aunt got married
  • Met my new uncle (Panda)
  • Found out I was lactose intolerant
  • Went to Fall Festival (Oh, the memories!)
  • Celebrated Thanksgiving
  • Did Miracle League with Nathan
  • Had piano lessons
  • Went horseback riding
  • Saw 'Fiddler on the Roof'
  • Signed many songs with four amazing friends (yes Josiah, that includes you) :)
  • Celebrated Christmas
  • Caleb got glasses
  • Took my top bunk down
  • Had the best Christmas piano recital ever!
  • Saw 'The Hobbit'
  • Saw 'Les Mis'
  • Grew a ton closer to my Heavenly Father
  • Grew a lot closer with all of my friends
  • Found contentment in God (it doesn't stay that way, but I felt what this really feels like for the first time)
  • Got new Sunday School teachers
  • Discovered the 'Moon Man' :)
These are just a few of the things that happened to me over the past year. I have learned so many lessons from all of my family and friends, whether they know it or not. :)  I know there is so much that is going to happen in this coming year of 2013 and I cannot wait to spend it with all the wonderful people in my life. I am going to try to blog about everything that happens, but who knows how well that is going to work. I am going to start posting a Bible verse everyday this new year. Hopefully it will be an encouragement to everyone reading this and to myself.

P.S. If I left something out that happened this year and you want to share that memory, go right ahead and post it in the comments below. Also, these are not in any particular order.


  1. This was fun and very encouraging to read!

  2. Happy New Year, Sweetie! I hope 2013 is filled with good things for you and your family....

    "Aunt Jen"
