Sunday, April 14, 2013


Last weekend was APACHE (not the Indian tribe, the homeschool convention). Even though I have pretty much finished high school, I still went because of one speaker, which I will talk about in a later post. :) APACHE is a very small convention and there are not a lot of people there. We drove down Thursday night and stayed at a hotel. The conference did not start until Friday morning and lasted until Saturday evening. At the hotel we were staying at there was also an undercover operations training class going on. It was a little scary having all of the police officers walking around. :) One of the classes on the schedule was listed as 'I shot the guy, now what?' This was humoring me every time we walked passed it. On Friday morning, we went to breakfast, which is very difficult to find in downtown Peoria, and then went to the convention. This year I was goatle. This means that I was registered for the convention ahead of time, but still did not really know what I was doing. :) (If you want the classification of the name tags, you can look under 2013 and there is a blog titled 'Name tag classifications') There were many interesting booths and vendors there, but of course my favorite was talking to the people at Worldview Academy. Friday was not too hectic, other than the venture of finding food. We listened to lectures by one of the Worldview faculty members and highly enjoyed ourselves. My social levels were at absolutely zero by the end of the day. After the keynote session, we went back to the hotel and watched some tv until we fell asleep. Saturday was very similar, except we knew where our food was. We listened to lectures, looked around at the booths that had not been set up Friday, and some other assorted things. Caleb got a huge axe type thing made of pvc pipe, pool noodles, and duct tape. I will post pictures later. :) We signed up for a really cool book club where you pay a certain amount a month and they send you books to read. It is kind of like a Netflix for books. After the last session, we headed home. On our way we listened to a Christian audio book. It is by Lamplighter publishing and is really, really good. Our story was about a family during the French Revolution who is trying to avoid being imprisoned. I liked it a lot. When we got home, we picked up Misty, who was staying with a friend, and went to our house. I went to sleep pretty quick after arriving home. This was my weekend at APACHE. (minus a few things, which are going in the next post.)

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