Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Sweet Sixteen Surprise :)

Tuesday was Rebekah's sweet 16th surprise party. We all met at Hobby Lobby to surprise her, which was quite a lot of fun. We were all wandering around in the jewelry section for what felt like forever, until we looked around the corner and saw her coming. Sharyssa, Kylee, and I all stood in a line and prepared ourselves. Katherine came first and we almost said surprise to her, but then Rebekah came, and she was quite surprised. :) We spent some time picking out charms to make Rebekah earrings, since she just got her ears pierced, and then we picked out some supplies to make ourselves some stuff. I got little silver butterfly charms for Rebekah's earrings and then some supplies to make Bella a bracelet. After we all checked out, we headed to Sparkles to go to Morris. All of the girls rode in the car and took pictures to pass the time. We got to Letty Mae's and took more pictures outside, because it was a really cool, old-fashioned area. Then we went in and had lunch. Rebekah's grandma met us there. We had lots of fun goofing around and eating all of our delicious food. We got dessert to pass around, then went outside to take more pictures. :) (Yes, I will eventually post the pictures I am so often mentioning.) After this, we went to Rebekah's grandma's house to make our jewelry and do many other things. We gave Rebekah a book Sharyssa had worked very hard to make that had two of her stories in it. The great jewelry game then began. We spent quite a while making earrings for Rebekah, then we all made iced coffees and told our favorite memories of her. This part is always amusing to those who know her, because we all have different perspectives of the event at hand and most of us have memories that go along with it. :) I will not embarrass Rebekah by posting everything we said during this time. After this, Rebekah became a hobbit. No, seriously, she did. Hobbits give out one present on their birthday to whomever they so desire. We were about to watch "Singin' in the Rain" and Rebekah had made me a hat that matched the time era very well, so she wanted me to have it early. Initially it was for my birthday, which is in a couple weeks, so it was not that early. :) As previously mentioned, we watched "Singin' in the Rain" and all enjoyed it thoroughly. Kylee had to leave a little bit early, but we still enjoyed the rest of the movie. It was a very fun day celebrating what an amazing friend Rebekah has been to us all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY REBEKAH!!!! SURPRISE!!

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