Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sweet 16 Surprise!!! (for me!!!!!) Part 2

We all got changed and got in the car to go to a friend's house for a while. Everyone shared their favorite memories about me, and other things, then I opened presents. Rachel got me a cool picture that I have in my room, Katherine made me a butterfly necklace that has purple beads, and Sharyssa gave me a blue leather purse. Rebekah gave me my birthday present last week. :) Then we all went and ate pizza and trail mix. We all got into our swimsuits and played in the pool for a while. We played marco polo and had dieing competitions. We would be 'shot' and have to fake our deaths, which includes falling off the ladder into the pool. I know this is a really morbid game, but it is fun to watch everybody be over dramatic. :) For a while, Rachel did not want to get her hair wet, so we were trying not to splash her, but while we were playing marco polo, her and Sharyssa started to get very competitive with each other, so she decided to give up on that and beat Sharyssa in the game. This was highly amusing to watch! After a while, we started to trickle out of the pool and start drying off. Once most of us were decently dry, we went inside to have some ice cream. We had coffee ice cream and strawberry ice cream with whipped cream. It was delicious!!!

We were all really tired at this point, so we all sat around talking and doing each other's hair. My mom braided everyone's hair except mine, which Katherine did. At this point we had all changed out of our swimsuits and I was very curious on what was coming next. It was about eight o'clock at night. At about eight forty-five we headed out, going to our next destination. We arrived at Rebekah and Katherine's house for one of my favorite games. Star tipping!!!!! I had to teach everyone how to do star tipping and then we commenced running around like we were drunk for the next hour. :) It was very hot and humid, so everyone's hands were really wet and gross when they were spinning you around, so we decided to go inside. I said good-bye to Rebekah and Katherine and we went back to the church to drop Rachel and the Greene's back at their cars. We had to run into the church to grab a couple of things, and when we did there was a giant water beetle. All of us screamed and jumped away, except Rachel who ran away. I said good-bye to Sharyssa and Rachel and headed home. 

This was one of those days that just makes me so thankful for all of the little things in life and for all of my amazing friends that God has blessed me with. They spent twelve hours out of their day just for me and making me feel special and loved. :) I love them all so much!!! Thank you all!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have been an amazing friend to me, and I was glad to give twelve hours to express my thankfulness for our friendship. :)
    Love you!
