Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ms. Janet

A couple months ago, a very dear friend/surrogate grandmother was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. She has been in many different hospitals (I think the total was three) and a nursing home. This past Saturday she went to be with Jesus. I know for sure that she was a Christian and is much, much happier than I could ever even start to imagine. Even though I miss her dearly, I am glad that she in no longer in any pain and currently worshiping our dear Lord Jesus Christ and will be for the rest of eternity.

Please keep her family in your prayers as they are all struggling with her passing. It is really hard not to have her around all the time and I have been blessed with amazing friends who have been supporting me and I pray Ms. Janet's family has that same support.

Guitar Recital

Saturday was my first guitar recital. :D It was quite a bit of fun. There were only four of us who were able to perform in the recital, but that made it short and sweet. I played "Rock Around the Clock" and "Amazing Grace." "Rock Around the Clock" was chords and I played to a track, while I played the notes for "Amazing Grace." The recital was at a church that I used to go to co-op at, which brought back a lot of rather funny memories. :D I highly enjoyed this recital and am looking forward to a winter recital!!!

Piano Recital

A couple weeks ago was my Spring piano recital. The theme was music through the ages. I played Chopin's Prelude in E minor. It was so much fun!!! I really enjoyed this recital. Most of the people played two songs, but I was very happy and pleased with my one song. Originally, I was playing two songs, the other was Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, but I did not learn it fast enough/ practice it enough. :D So it is pretty much my own fault I did not get to perform it. Overall, it was a very good recital and one of my favorites.

The devious duo :D

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sadness :'( (and Hey! Hot Dog!)

I took my first DSST this morning, foundations of education, and I failed. I was only one question away from passing the test, which is highly frustrating. Thankfully, I now know what kinds of things to focus on and know that I am close to passing it and will the next time I am able to take the test.

After my test, we took Bella out to lunch at Hey! Hot Dog! They had root beer from the tap, which we found out Bella enjoys immensely. She kept wanting to drink more and more and on the way home she had hysterically funny hiccups. :D This of course added a little bit of brightness to my day!

Now that the test is behind me, it is time to start preparing for my piano recital on Sunday! Yay!!! (I am not being sarcastic! I am glad to be able to focus on mostly music for the rest of the weekend.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Foundations of Education

Tomorrow morning (Thursday) I have another one of my college tests. This one is a little bit different than CLEP, so I am a little nervous at that. I also have to take this one at a different school than I took my CLEPs at. The test is on the foundations of education. It is a very wide range of things to study and there is not a lot of information about the test, so I am very intimidated by the aspect of not knowing exactly what I'm walking into.

Please pray for me as I take this test tomorrow that I would be confident and know whatever the outcome may be, pass or fail, it is all for God's eternal glory.

Thanks a bunch!!! I'll post how I did as soon as I can after the test.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Friday we got a new car!!! YAY!!! Of course this now means we have to get rid of Wesley (our old mini van) and Roary (my dad's old work car).

Meet Kallie!!! She is a 2004 Chevy Cavalier.

Now when family comes in the summer we don't have to try to fit everyone into Sparkles. This is magnificent new!!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring at last!!!....kind of

Spring finally arrived here in the Windy City!!! At least it did for a little while. We had lovely weather that was magnificent to run around outside in and jump on the trampoline and all other sorts of whimsical things, but this past week has been cold in comparison! Jackets are actually needed. It's May!!!

Instead of dwelling on the cold gloominess known as Chicago right now, I am going to post picture of flowers and happy things that make me think of Spring. :D At least the trees are budding and starting to have leaves and there are lots of flowers everywhere and the grass is bright green. (Of course as I am typing this, the sun decides to shine very brightly in through my bedroom window. haha)

The birch tree in the front yard just getting its leaves.

The daffodils in full bloom.

The beautiful tulips!

Bella enjoying the weather on the jump jump. :D

Posing for the camera while taking a break.

"Bella, cheese!" :D

Being adorable while talking to me on the trampoline.

This pose was entirely Bella's idea. She said, "Kiki take a picture
of me!" So I did, then looked back and had to smile at the
sassiness of a little four year old. I was also quite proud
because she actually decided to point her toes! :D

A Million Birthday Wishes

Since I am so late on a million different birthdays, I figured I would just do one post for all of them instead of a different post for each one. :D

Happy birthday Rosie!!!

Happy birthday Mommy!!!

Happy birthday dear sweet Katherine!!!!
Happy birthday to the best room mate ever!!! :D

Happy 4th birthday to my little nunkey girl!!!

Happy birthday Uncle Panda!!!

And happy birthday to everyone else I forgot and am sure there are some!