Friday, May 2, 2014

Spring at last!!!....kind of

Spring finally arrived here in the Windy City!!! At least it did for a little while. We had lovely weather that was magnificent to run around outside in and jump on the trampoline and all other sorts of whimsical things, but this past week has been cold in comparison! Jackets are actually needed. It's May!!!

Instead of dwelling on the cold gloominess known as Chicago right now, I am going to post picture of flowers and happy things that make me think of Spring. :D At least the trees are budding and starting to have leaves and there are lots of flowers everywhere and the grass is bright green. (Of course as I am typing this, the sun decides to shine very brightly in through my bedroom window. haha)

The birch tree in the front yard just getting its leaves.

The daffodils in full bloom.

The beautiful tulips!

Bella enjoying the weather on the jump jump. :D

Posing for the camera while taking a break.

"Bella, cheese!" :D

Being adorable while talking to me on the trampoline.

This pose was entirely Bella's idea. She said, "Kiki take a picture
of me!" So I did, then looked back and had to smile at the
sassiness of a little four year old. I was also quite proud
because she actually decided to point her toes! :D

1 comment:

  1. Aww, the cuteness is killing me!!!!

    And the flowers are pretty.
