Saturday, July 5, 2014

An Overview of Worldview Academy 2014

How to shrink it down? It is so hard, but I will do my best. (If you want more information than I put here, you can read my last few posts with detailed descriptions of each day.)

Worldview Academy has always been amazing, but this year felt different. I made new friends, but got to spend a lot of time with old friends and treasured all of the special time I got to have with them. My leaders we awesome, as usual, and I got to have the new experience of having two leaders, which I highly enjoyed. :D All of our faculty was epic and there was not one lecture I did not enjoy and learn something from. Evangelizing went really well, at least as well as you can expect when high schoolers go out and ask people what happens when they die. Not everyone walked away from us and we had several really good conversations. Overall, it was an amazing year!!!

People have asked me which year has been my favorite, and I do not think that is a fair question. Each year has been special in their own ways and have had different impacts on my life with different lessons to learn. God has used each year in a unique way that fit what was going on in my life at that time, and I could not be more amazed at how perfectly He has done this!!!

If anyone reading this is between the ages of 13 and 19 next June, I highly encourage you to go and experience this life changing camp! I love it and plan on going back every year for as long as I possibly can!!!

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