Saturday, July 5, 2014

WVA 2014: Thursday

Our last full day of camp started off rather bumpy for me, but soon picked up. I woke up not feeling too great and had to go get Amy and leader Rebekah. They had me not go to quiet times or breakfast so I could rest. I spent most of that time doing my quiet time, but I also watched the wind blow the rain off of the trees in sheets, which was really cool!!!

After breakfast, Amy and Hannah (the female staff director) camp up and walked with me over to lectures. Our first lecture of the morning was "Word (part 2)" by Andy Frye. This was the second part of our lecture Wednesday on evidence for God's Word. He mainly focused on the New Testament this time.

In our break, Robert, the camera guy, had us walk into the room, going straight to our seats, and sitting down so he could tape it. Then we went into our next lecture. "What's the Matter with Matter?" by Andy Frye on modernism.

Next we headed to lunch, which felt like it came really quickly that day. I had my one-on-one with Amy during lunch, which I enjoyed thoroughly!!! One-on-ones are very special parts of camp, because we get an hour alone with our leaders and get to know them better.

Once lunch was over, Amy and I went and joined the rest of our small group in front of the fireplace outside of the cafeteria. We played a game called "Who would be more likely to...". Someone would come up with a question like "Who would be more likely to kiss a frog?" or "Who would be more likely to eat a whole pizza by themselves?" and everyone puts their finger on their chin when they know who they think would be more likely to do that thing. Once everyone has their finger on their chin, someone counts to three and everyone points at the person they are thinking of. It is a hysterically funny game! Seairra asked "Who would be more likely to (purposely or accidentally) set a house on fire?" and everyone pointed at her. :D Then we all started laughing and decided she would do it by accident dancing with a candle and doing her candle dance, which made us all laugh harder. Robert was videotaping us playing this game, but he did not stay very long. :D I think we scared him off! Eventually it got too hot to sit over by the fireplace, so we moved to the couches and continued our game. After a while, Amy and leader Rebekah talked with us for a little bit about our lectures and the rest of the plans for the day.

We left as our group to go to the dorms and get ready for the relay and color team challenges, as well as the Staff vs. Student Ultimate Frisbee game. All of us ran around getting into our shirts and doing our hair (for some of us, this included putting our color team's color chalk in our hair) and then we met outside the dorms to go to the lecture hall where everyone was assembling.

They gave us some rules, then released us by color team to run down to the football/soccer fields for the cheers and relay. Everyone started off running, but slowed down about half way there. At the field, everyone started running again and getting re-organized in our color team again. Blue worked on our cheer and then all of the teams performed them.

Next was the relay. We had a lot more activities than last year, but it was still really fun! This is easier to show through pictures. :D

Our first task was to drag someone on a disc sled around cones and back to the group.
We had to do so many girls and so many boys before we could move on.

The next objective was to kick a soccer ball around cones and back.
Two guys and two girls had to do this. I was one of the girls.
It was fun, but very challenging!
After the soccer we had to carry an empty can of spam between two people's hips around the cones and back. Again, there was a set number of girls and boys that had to do this, but I don't remember what that was.

Next was one round of charades. Someone was given a card and had to act out what was on it. After that we had a blue balloon we had to pass through a girls line, while the boys were passing theirs through a line. We had a set distance to go, so we had to run to the end of the line to actually make it the whole distance. Then we played the longest ever game of leap frog, still in our girls and boys lines, all the way back down the football field. This took what felt like forever!!!

Ultimately, red team won the relay, but it was highly enjoyable and no one got hurt, which is an improvement from last year!

We got a short break before the Ultimate Frisbee game started, then we split into teams. The staff was already in their teams before we could figure out how to get split up. Thankfully, we figured something out and were ready to play.

This was my team at first. We got switched around quite a bit before the end.

The girls! (L to R: Rebekah, me, Angie, and Sarah)
The staff won the frisbee game 11-7, which is actually pretty decent. Then we all got into a circle and dabbed up (Worldview's way of holding hands) to pray. I love looking around the circle and seeing the pure amount of kids and leaders all there for the same purpose. To glorify God and grow closer to Him.

A portion of the prayer circle.
We did not all have time to shower before our next lecture, so some of us just rubbed on lotion and tried to wash some of the chalk out of our hair and changed our clothes. Then we met back up with our small group to walk over to the lecture hall for another lecture. "Imago Dei" by Andy Frye (we heard a lot from him!). It was about man being made in the image of God and ethics.

Next we got dinner! YAY! After running around outside, we were really hungry! Dinner went very quickly, then we headed into worship and our next lecture. "Branding" by Randy Sims. It was a really good lecture and referred back to our first lecture. It was quite bittersweet because it was our last lecture as just us students. The next lecture we would have would include our parents.

After our lecture, we had to take a test, which is actually really easy because it is open book and if you took good notes, everything will be in your notebook. When we finished our tests, if time was not up, we wrote poems to our leaders. When time was up, they went over all of the answers then we had the Spamley Cup.

The Spamley Cup is whoever got the most color team points, but they always do a huge theatrical things to announce who won. The theme this year was Frozen and Amy was Elsa, which was really fun. Red won, which was Amy's team, but no one else in my small group was on red.

After the Spamley Cup, we went into campfire where students gets to share their favorite memories from the week and what they learned and really stood out. We sang some songs and students talked for a while, then we went into our last t-time. It was marvelous and sad at the same time. We had our own little small group campfire with snacks and lots of laughter.

Then we were off to our rooms to finish packing and attempt to get some sleep.

:D Cue the hysterical laughter. Abby, Diane, Rebekah, and I did not go to sleep. We all sat in mine and Rebekah's room and talked about all sorts of things and laughed until everything hurt. I was the watch and would go check outside every once in a while to make sure our leaders did not hear us awake because they were having a staff meeting down the hall. At one point Amy was standing outside our door listening, but thankfully we were being really quiet at that time, so she did not hear us.

Eventually we did get into bed, and after Rebekah and I talked a little longer, we went to sleep.

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