Saturday, July 5, 2014

WVA 2014: Friday

Friday morning is always hard. It is hard to convince yourself to get out of bed and admit that the last day of camp has actually arrived. 

Rebekah and I finished up packing and then sat and talked on the couches in our room while Abby and Diane finished packing. The four of us walked together to the lobby of our floor and met up with Margaret and Seairra. Amy and leader Rebekah met up with us pretty quickly after we all sat down and we headed down to devotions. We were all being rather pathetic while we were walking down the stairs, but it is rather funny now. Leader Rebekah lead devos that morning and read a passage from Ephesians, which is where Pastor Greene has been preaching from. :D

At breakfast we all had a lot of energy and ate quite quickly. Amy and leader Rebekah had staff stuff they had to go do, so our group went into the lecture room and talked, explained some inside jokes created the night before, and signed each others notebooks, as well as took pictures with each other. (I will post those at the end of this post. :D) 

Our last lecture was "The Driven Leader" by Randy Sims and our parents were able to come and listen to this one with us. There were quite a few parents there, but mine did not come in until a little ways into the first part of the lecture. About half way, Mr. Sims let us have a ten minute break and I ran over to say hi to my parents and Caleb. Then I returned to my seat for the last half of our final lecture. Seairra and I were not paying the closest attention to the lecture, but it was still very good. 

At the end of the lecture, we had a fifteen minute break before we went and found our small groups and leaders and had our final small group time. During this time, Amy and leader Rebekah gave us our packets which have our certificates that say we lived through camp, a Worldview sticker, our tests from the night before, and a whole bunch of college stuff. We talked for quite a while, then got up to go look at the book tables. While our parents were in a meeting of some sorts, we played some games and I said hello to some people from my small group last year that did not come to camp this year. 

At some point during the parents meeting they had us all get in a group outside the doors and try to be quiet for quite some time before we all ran in screaming and cheering. We went to our seats and they let us know what was in our packets, in case we had not cared to look. Then we thanked our parents and the incredible staff and faculty. We had a worship time and got to see our camp video for this year. Then we were dismissed from camp. :'( I said good-bye to all of my friends, most of them I said good-bye to multiple times and introduced my parents to Amy and leader Rebekah. I also gave Katherine back her watch, which she so kindly let me borrow for the week, because I completely forgot mine. :) 

I had to go get my bags from my dorm, then I said good-bye to Worldview Academy for 2014. 

The end of a marvelous week at a marvelous camp!

Now, for the pictures I promised!

Seairra, Diane, Rebekah, and Margaret.

Seairra, Diane, and Rebekah

Me and the amazing, sweet, adorable Diane.

Me and the infamous Seairra. :D

Sharing inside jokes.

Whatever was said humored Diane and not Seairra. :)

Me and sweet Margaret.

The Three Musketeers. (Well...3 out of 6!)

The Three Musketeers strike again!

A picture from Thursday night. Our amazing, loving, selfless Amy.

Another picture from Thursday.
 Leader Rebekah, me, and Rebekah.

More from Thursday.
Abby and Margaret. 

And another one from Thursday. :D
Sweet Diane and her grown of flowers from the frisbee

Amy, me, Rebekah, and leader Rebekah. 

1 comment:

  1. Noooo, not the end. :"( I'm wearing my shirt today.

    I think you meant Diane's 'crown' of flowers, not 'grown'. haha
