Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Change

I have never been good with change of any kind, but big changes mess with my life more than I can say. Sometimes I will do simple things the hard way to avoid changing anything.
Yesterday I found out that I have to let go of something very dear to me. It hurts, but God is already using it for good. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him." At first, it seemed impossible how God could use this situation for good. I wanted to lock myself in my room and ignore life entirely. "I'm not ready to let go." went through my head over and over as I tried to find some way around this change. Sadly, there is none. It has been out of my control for months now, and ultimately, never was in my control.
But through my pain yesterday, God showed me that He is the One in control, and I should let go. He has much bigger plans for me than what I wanted. Yes, I'm still very sad I have to let go, but I have a hope that God is working out something more than I can ever imagine.
Years from now, this is going to look really silly and insignificant. Ultimately, through whatever change or trial I have to face, God is in control. Even when I fail, He still loves me. Jesus still died and rose again for me. I am still redeemed. Nothing can change any of that. It is constant and sure.
To God be the glory!
"My heart is filled with thankfulness
To Him who walks beside
Who floods my weaknesses with strength
And causes fears to fly
Whose every promise is enough
For every step I take
Sustaining me with arms of love
And crowning me with grace"
"My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness"
by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

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