Thursday, January 5, 2012


Last night I went to go see the new movie "Courageous". If you have not seen it, I highly suggest to do so. It is done by the same people who did "Fireproof" and "The Blind Side" and "Facing the Giants". There are a lot of sad parts, but the funny parts come in at just the right times. I did not adore the other three movies that they made, but "Courageous" is now one of my favorite movies. It is rated PG-13. I do not really see why. It is completely clean. There are a few parts that little kids do not need to see, but I think kids over about 10 would be fine. Maybe even younger. Make sure to read the closed captions while Javier is talking in the police car. That is all I will tell you. Anyone who has seen it knows exactly what part I am talking about. Overall, it is an awesome movie. I cannot rate it high enough.


  1. Thanks for writing this!

    P.S. Are you sure they made The Blind Side? I didn't think they did.

  2. Wow, now I can't wait to see it.

  3. I will make a point to see this movie on the basis of this great review.

  4. Whoops, sorry my mistake. They did not make the blind side. Thank you for pointing that out.
