Tuesday, January 17, 2012

No more snow! :(

Well, I don't want to make excuses, but I have not been on my blog the last couple days because of a minor finger injury Sunday afternoon. I was playing piano and my knuckle made a weird pop sound and then it hurt so bad I could not straighten it or put any pressure on it. That also means I could not type. It is better now thankfully, since my piano lessons start again this week.

On another topic, all our snow has melted!!! It rained last night and now we have no snow. :( This makes me very mad. We should not have green grass in Chicago in January. That is wrong. Thankfully, the weather people say it is going to snow again later this week. I hope they are right!


  1. Oh my! you aren't supposed to hurt any part of your hands, Miss Simba Piano Playing girl!


    Aunt Jen
