Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A day in the life

So here is what one of my school days usually looks like.
I wake up and slowly convince my self to climb out of bed. Then I do several school subjects and eat breakfast. Getting dressed will occur sometime before lunch on a normal day. I usually spend about an hour on my computer doing history. Then it is time for lunch. After lunch, my school is done and I get to do whatever. This consists of playing on my piano, listening to music, goofing off outside, or coming up with dance routines to random songs. Dad comes home and dinner is served. After dinner, I continue with whatever I was doing before dinner. Who knows what that may actually be. Then I get ready for bed and climb up the ladder to my bunk bed. In the middle of a story I was composing in my head, I drift off into dream land. Then the day starts all over again.


  1. I also sometimes compose stories in my head before I go to sleep. I like the updates to your profile too.

  2. I also write stories in my head before bed sometimes.
