Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy belated Birthday Daddy!

Saturday was Dad's birthday. We went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and then got a cheesecake from Bakers Square for dessert. Sunday Dad did not go to church because he was not feeling too good. Monday we found out that he had strep throat so now we are all being really careful trying not to catch it. Misty is being very caring with all of us, but especially Dad. Right now Caleb is laying on the floor and she is licking his face making sure there are no leftovers from lunch.

Choir started last night and I am enjoying learning the new songs. Well, it actually started last week, but I could not make it then. So this was my first week. Both the songs are really pretty, but singing second soprano is very difficult sometimes. Especially when there are only four of us and a bunch of first sopranos. 

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