Monday, December 9, 2013

First Snow

Yesterday and last night we had our first official snow of the season! YAY!!! Bella, Misty, and I went outside for a little while to play in the snow. I only was able to get a couple of pictures before Bella was too cold. :)

Bella admiring the snow.

Misty attacking/hiding from a snowball Bella threw. :D

My little cutie!!!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Tea 2013

Every year since I was little, my mom would host a Christmas tea party. It started out as a mother-daughter tea, but has now just become a tea party for everyone (except guys of course!).

Saturday was our Christmas tea. We had not set up earlier in the week like we usually do, so there was a lot to be done Saturday morning. I got up pretty early to start making my peppermint cookie bars and straighten my hair. I also had to get together all of my stuff for my table. We left a little later than we wanted to, but got to the church in plenty of time.

Once we arrived, it was time to move the tables around some more, put on table cloths and unpack all of the various things we had to unpack. Someone was cleaning the basement, so I could not set up my table until he finished because my table cloth hit the floor without the chairs under the table. We ate lunch, then set everything else up.

After hanging around for a while, it was time to get changed into my clothes for the tea. I did not want to do this because it was freezing cold in the basement and my dress has no sleeves. I got changed anyways, did my hair and put on my make-up. Then I had to make my sandwiches and arrange the desserts onto trays.

People started showing up a little while after that. My friends came and we had a lovely time! One of my friends even brought be a sweater, so I would not freeze to death. :D We talked, sang some carols, got pictures (which I will post as soon as I can.), listened to a devotional, and had tea, of course!

We cleaned up and it was time to go home. It was a very tiring day, but worth it. Looking forward to doing it again next year!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Western worst enemy

For school this year, I am going through a program called CollegePlus. They help me with CLEP testing and all of my credits will transfer to an online college supporting CollegePlus. A CLEP (College Level Examination Program) is a test that gets me out of having to take the actual college class. Some classes do not have CLEP tests though, and I will still have to take those, but I will do it online.

I have been studying for Western Civilization 1 (3000 BC-1648 AD) for the last two months. The first test I took only took about a month  to study for. This one took double. I took the CLEP today and still did not pass. :'( Thankfully, I am learning a lot about test taking and new strategies for studying and comprehending information. I will be able to take the test again over the summer (late June or early July).

In the meantime, I will start studying for Introductory Psychology, which I am rather excited about. There is a lot of new information, but it is not any more history of Greece, Rome, or medieval Europe. :D (I may go crazy if I have to look at anything related to that for a while now!)

I will try to remember to post when my tests are, but I am not terribly good at remembering that kind of thing!!! Hopefully I will be testing psych before Christmas, but that is will depend on A LOT of things. :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bella Pictures

For Bella's parents for Christmas, we went and got professional pictures taken of the nunkey girl. She had so much joy!!!

Bella's favorite picture

She was pointing her toes and barking like a dog. 

Jumping off of the box :D

Puppy Bella

Sassy girl

Bella signing Kiki

My favorite

Strong nunkey!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

Some people have big and extravagant traditions on Thanksgiving, but my family does not. We sit around the house, play games, eat "dinner" at lunch, and the leftovers for dinner. We always crock-pot our turkey the night before, so it is ready whenever, and then make mashed potatoes, stuffing, and green bean casserole (my speciality!). That is pretty much how all of our Thanksgivings go.

In the morning, Dad and I played Davy Crockett several times, then just sat around for a while. Caleb and I played a trivia game on the Wii and then it became a family challenge. We all started taking turns playing and seeing who could out-smart who. It was very enjoyable and exciting!!! I only won once, but that is perfectly fine with me. We ate lunch, then watched movies the rest of the afternoon. Dinner consisted of pumpkin pie and Oberweis eggnog.

Around 8pm, I was picked up to go babysit overnight for Bella's family. I played lots of board games with the kids, then put them to bed. This was about 10:30. Little did I know, I still had seven hours to go. I amused myself in many different ways, working on Christmas presents, doing school, listening to my iPod, dancing on their hardwood floors, just about anything to keep me awake. Finally, the parents came home at 5:30 and I got to go home and go to bed. This made a very happy Kiki. :D

Friday consisted of me sleeping....A LOT. Caleb and Dad had gone to the church to help fix it up and take stuff down so people could come in and paint, so it was just me and mom at home. Mom had stayed up all night waiting for me to come home, so we both were exhausted and did not want to do anything.

I accomplished a lot more on Saturday than I did on Friday. I helped do laundry (since the washer was broken for several days, we had a bunch of laundry to do.), I put up Smiley, my light up snowman, and helped Dad decorate the pine tree in our front yard. Decorating the tree was hard and very cold work, but we got the colored lights in there and it looks really cool!!!


Two weeks ago I started Spotlight Youth Theater (SYT) classes. SYT is a Christian theater group all around Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. It used to be a part of Christian Youth Theater (CYT), which is all over the country, but left because they thought they could do more separated. They do three shows a year (fall, winter, and spring) along with a summer show, and in order to be in shows I have to be taking a class that season. This season I am taking Voice 101: Singing in Character. So far I am really enjoying it!!! This is only the second season my county has been open, so not a ton of kids are involved in this area yet. I am the oldest, the next being fourteen, but I do not mind too much. :D My teacher is amazing, and very enjoyable. We have started working on our songs for our showcase at the end of the year. One of them is an acapella medley, but I do not know all of the songs in it yet. We are also singing a couple of show tunes, of which I like very much! Unfortunately I am not doing the show this season because of the distance to performances, but hopefully that will be changed for the next show. :D

P.S. SYT is doing a winter fundraiser that helps out the areas as well as helps pay for kids who cannot afford tickets to go to school day shows. If anyone would like to donate, you can contact me directly or follow this link to donate online. It would be much appreciated!!!