Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WVA 2014: Monday

Monday. It feels like ages ago, so much has happened between now and then.

Since we stayed up so late Sunday night, you would think getting up by 7:30 would be hard. Not at all!!! We all got up and were ready to walk out the door, sitting in our lobby area of the dorm room when Amy and leader Rebekah came to wake us up. :D The looks on their faces was priceless when they realized we were all ready for the day.

Once it was actually time for us to meet up, we went into the lobby on the floor of our dorm building we were staying on and Amy and leader Rebekah talked to us about having quiet times and some important things. They talked to us about how to make it more meaningful and the purpose of having a quiet time. Then we went and did our quiet times. They were really short because we talked for a while, which was totally fine by me. I wanted to glean as much information from Amy and leader Rebekah as I could during the week.

We finished up our quiet times and walked over to the cafeteria as a group. Breakfast was great, as usual! Bacon is totally awesome!!!!! The night before we had chosen breakfast as our meal that we ate all together as a group, so we claimed our table and all sat together and enjoyed each other's company during breakfast. After everyone finished eating, we still had some time before lectures, so we played "never have I ever..." and learned lots of random facts about each other. It was highly amusing.

After breakfast, we went and got together for camp pictures. We met behind the dorm buildings and were organized by gender and height. We talked with the people we were standing with for quite some time while they organized the boys into their lines. Then we all got into our groups and headed over to the actual place where they were taking the pictures. After they took the pictures, Robert, the videographer, took a short video of all of us jumping around and cheering for the camp video he made at the end of the week.

Then we were off to our first lecture of the day. It was a role-play lecture given by Andy Frye. He pretended to be Muslim and held conversations with all of us from that point of view. Most of the students did not know he really was not Muslim and that he was actually one of our faculty for the week. :D This was quite amusing after he switched to actually being himself.

We got a five minute break after lecture where my group played the foot game and got really well stretched out!!! When our breaks were over they played Pharell William's song "Happy" to get us to sit down. It was really fun to have a way to know when to sit down other than them having to yell "Tally Ho!!" almost five times before we actually accomplished the task.

Our next lecture was called "Servant Leadership" and was presented by Randy Sims. It was on the five pillars of leadership: empowerment, integrity, vision, meekness, and attitude. This is a lecture we get every year, so I already knew what he was going to say, but he is an excellent story teller and I thoroughly enjoyed all of his stories he put into the lecture!

After that we went to lunch, where our group sat together again, because we love each other so much!!! We played more "Never have I ever..." after lunch because we really enjoyed that game. Then we were off to small group time.

Actually, it was our leadership practicum first. This is something that makes me very curious. Anyway, we had to each hold a strand of rope and tie a knot in just one of the ropes. It is very difficult to describe. We worked at it for almost an hour before Amy and leader Rebekah told us we had to stop.

Here is a picture of one of the guy small groups trying to figure it out.
When we finished, we went into small group time, which meant we sat down, and talked about which of the pillars of leadership everyone exemplified. Then it we talked through some of our lectures for the day and were released for free time!!! YAY!!!

For free time we had several options on what to do, but most of the kids either go to Mafia or Ultimate frisbee. I was going to play frisbee, but started not feeling so up to it, so I played Mafia with Rebekah, Seairra, Margaret, Diane, Amy, and leader Rebekah. Abby was the only one from our group that went to play frisbee Monday.
Diane and Kathryn at Mafia.
Me, Rebekah, and Margaret playing Mafia.
Leader Rebekah and Amy at Mafia.

Seairra (left) playing Mafia.

After free time, we went into our next lecture, "Nature of God & Man" by Dell Cook. He talked about the different categories of worldviews (atheism, polytheism, pantheism, and monotheism). When that lecture was over we headed to dinner! 

Dinner always feels like the shortest meal because afterwards we head back into lectures. Our next lecture was called "Deep Magic" once again given by Dell Cook. It was about critical thinking. When that lecture ended we had worship time, then, guess what? Another lecture!!! This one was on the "Trinitarian Life," or more simply put, how to live out life as a Christian. (Can anyone guess who gave this lecture? Yep! Dell Cook!)

When Mr. Dell Cook finished with his lecture, we went to t-time with our small groups. My group played psychiatrist and then talked about our lectures from that day. At the end of t-time, we were supposed to go get ready for bed, but my group had a better idea. We had our own little small group party. :D I will post pictures of that later. 

At lights out, Amy and leader Rebekah came to find us all in the same room eating candy and trail mix and laughing hysterically. They ushered us off to bed smiling at our wackiness and we all fell asleep pretty quickly that night. 

Thus ended Monday. 

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