Sunday, June 22, 2014

WVA 2014: Sunday

Sunday morning was the slowest, most torturous service I have ever had to sit through. Camp was only a few hours away, but those few hours felt like days. Finally it went from five hours, to four, three, two, one, and then none!!!!!

Staff at Worldview are amazing!!! They are always happy and energetic, but Sunday is a little different. When you drive into camp, as one student put it, they are attacking your car. This is pretty accurate!!!

Here is some of the staff ready to greet students! 
 As I got out of the car, the guys grabbed my bags (except my guitar, I kept that with me!) and took them to my dorm for me and I went to get checked in. As I rounded the corner from the parking lot, I saw that we were in the really wonderful dorms again. They are suites and really spacious. I did my silent little happy dance.

At check-in I met my main leader, Amy (not shown in the picture above) and got my color team bracelet (go blue team!!!). Then I went and retrieved my key to see which dorm I would be living in for the next week. I was on the third floor, so I had the privilege of climbing three flights of stairs three to four times a day. :D I was roomed with one of my dearest friends Rebekah, as well as someone from my small group last year, Diane. The other girl in our dorms was Abby, who's brother is friends with mine and Rebekah's brothers.

Me and my daddy in the dorms.

From left to right: Abby, me, and Diane.

Me in my room. :D
 Diane, Abby, and I met up in the lobby and hung out for a while. I greeted other friends from years before and got to know Abby better.

Eventually, round up came about. We all grouped into our color teams and did a quick challenge trying to see which team could come up with more stuff. for their team (waterbottles, bibles, etc.) Then we were split into our small groups. It was a little while before my small group was called. Amy and Rebekah were our amazing leaders. In my group was Diane, Seairra, Rebekah (yes, there were two Rebekah's and they spell them the same way. I will try to differentiate for everyone on here!), Abby, Margaret, and myself. We went straight into orientation, led by Chris Sharp, our staff director. After orientation, we had a little bit of time with our small groups before dinner. My group played "two truths and a lie" and found out fun little facts about each other. Then we were off to dinner! At dinner, we found out A LOT about each other. Like the fact that we are all homeschooled and bookworms. This made us bond pretty quickly, and shy little Seairra disappeared. She exploded into this dancing, wacky, amazingly beautiful person and we never saw her shy again!!! :D

After dinner, we had our first official lecture. It was called "The Excellent Life." Dell Cook (one of my personal favorites this year) gave the lecture and talked about The things we should reject, value, be and do. It was a really good opening lecture!!!

We had worship after that, which was really good, as always. :D After that we went into another lecture. It is "Intro to Worldviews" and was given by Randy Sims. I absolutely adored this lecture!!! His last point was that we should live our Christian lives like we are on the black diamond trail. Then he showed a video of people jumping out of helicopters and skiing down the sides of mountains. Our challenge for the week, and ultimately for the rest of our lives, was to live a life like that.

We were dismissed from lecture and the girls headed to the dorms for hall meeting where they reiterate the rules and go into a little more detail. We also get to officially meet all of the girl staffers. Then we headed to our first t-time.

T-time is my favorite part of every day. It is where our small groups get to hang out and digest the day. We also get to eat food and be rather silly. Amy brought Nutella and pretzels and we ate that quite happily (who wouldn't!!!) and played a game called "hot seat," which is where everyone is able to ask the person in the 'hot seat' anything they would like for one minute. This was quite fun and we liked stumping each other with questions that they could not answer right away. :D

At the end of t-time, Amy and leader Rebekah asked us what our goals for the week were, and then sent us off to get ready for bed. Diane, Abby, Rebekah, and I talked for a little bit, then went into our rooms at lights out.

Rebekah and I talked until a little after 2:30am then finally went to sleep ready for the next day to begin.
Rebekah and I with the Worldview sign. 


  1. I loved reading this. It's bittersweet; I miss camp so much!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for posting Khyrstyn! I love getting a glimpse into the week you look forward to every year. And what a blast you and Rebekah could be roommates! :) Though I must admit, I so wish I could go to Worldview and experience growth spiritually and have some "joy" as well. :) Oh well, I guess I'm one year too late. :(
