Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WVA 2014: Tuesday

Tuesday morning we all woke up with renewed energy...sort of. We were all exhausted, but ready for the day to start nonetheless. We actually made it to devotions on time and then went to quiet times. After quiet times was breakfast, as usual. Our group played more "Never have I ever..." and then headed into our first lecture. Once we claimed our seats, we played the foot game (our usual game for during breaks).

The staff did a skit and then we went into our first lecture of the day. "Aesthetics" by Dell Cook. I really enjoyed that lecture. It was talking about what is beautiful and Christianity and the arts. We got a five minute break and then returned to lectures.

Our next lecture was rather different from the others we had because it was a role play lecture. Dell Cook took on the personality of a struggling Christian who just lost his wife and three daughters in a car accident. The students' job was to talk to him about how God was still good and still had control and had his best interests in mind. About three quarters of the way through, he switched back to being himself and debriefed us on our conversation.

We headed to lunch after that. Diane and Seairra started a "war" of which I am not sure who won. They were keeping score on who scared who more.

Once we settled down a little more, it was time to go to small group. We got to have small group in the circle room (my favorite room on all of campus!!!). Amy and leader Rebekah talked with us about our lectures and we also practiced presenting the gospel to each other in preparation for our evangelizing practicum on Wednesday. It was really strange trying to share the gospel with each other when there were no prompts or anything to segway into. We talked with one person for a while, then they would have us switch to another person. I talked with Diane and Abby. We debriefed from that for a little while and they talked to us a little bit about evangelizing and what was generally expected of us and so on.

Abby, Seairra, leader Rebekah, and I headed out to frisbee that afternoon for free time. While we were waiting for everyone to get there to play, we played the foot game to stretch out and also to keep us occupied. :D Abby and I played frisbee until we had about an hour before our next lecture, then headed back together to get showers and get ready for the rest of the night.

We walked back to lectures together and waited for everyone else to get out of the circle room where they were playing/watching mafia. Then we went into the lecture hall and commenced listening to our next lecture. It was called "Logos" and was given by Andy Frye. Every year we get a lecture generally along the lines of this one, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.

When the lecture was over, we headed to dinner. It was just Diane and I who ended up sitting together for dinner, but we thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. :D

Our next lecture was called "Roadblocks to Leadership" and was presented by Randy Sims. He gave this lecture in a different format than any other lecture we got all week. It was very student involved and we gave ideas for what was holding us back from being servant leaders. Lots of people came up with really good ideas and the lecture really made me think about my personal roadblocks to being a leader.

We went into worship after a five minute break, then began our last lecture of the night called "The King and I" by Andy Frye. This was our only government lecture this year, which made me happy. It wasn't honestly that bad either. He talked about Christian's role with the government and how we are to react to laws we don't agree with.

After that lecture, we went to t-time and were able to read through our pamphlets we would be using for evangelizing the next day. They were pretty cool. Our prompt question was "What happens when you die?" Not my favorite question ever, but it did start a lot of conversations (more on that in my Wednesday post). We ate snacks and talked about the remainder of our lectures from that day, then went into our dorms. Once again, we had a small group party, but leader Rebekah was with us this time. :D Amy came briefly to tell us lights out, but we ended up running around like chickens with our heads cut of trying to get ready for bed. We stayed up a little later than usual because Rebekah and I were talking about evangelizing.

This was the end of the second full day of camp.

Me and the other Kiersten. 

Sweet picture of our group.

Normal picture of our group. :D

Me and Abby (and Seairra in the background)

Fuzzy llama at Worldview!!!

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